2nd attempt, 1st soilless, 1 big question.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I thought you meant my tent. Staying with the cups was a last minute decision. Two of them had roots through the drainage slits I cut in the bottom and I didn't want to damage the root by pulling it back through the slit so I just made it bigger. I guess i could cut a collar and circle the cup...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I thought you meant my tent. Staying with the cups was a last minute decision. Two of them had roots through the drainage slits I cut in the bottom and I didn't want to damage the root by pulling it back through the slit so I just made it bigger. I guess i could cut a collar and circle the cup...
You could cover the top with heavy duty foil, cut an X in the middle where your Solo's are going then press them in place. That should cut down on lite in the root zone.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I thought you meant my tent. Staying with the cups was a last minute decision. Two of them had roots through the drainage slits I cut in the bottom and I didn't want to damage the root by pulling it back through the slit so I just made it bigger. I guess i could cut a collar and circle the cup...
For the future. Its a solo cup, cut it apart to get the plant out if you need to imo.
Youll want to do something to plug the holes for sure.
The yellow lids also let light through. Cover it with something or paint it. I use flat white spray paint or fail tape to cover mine.


Well-Known Member
if I were you, I would convert this ASAP to a SIPS system.. check out what sips is and do some research.. I've always wanted to try it.
You will be able to use the totes you bought and get a huge harvest off of it



Well-Known Member
Yeah, no. Not volunteering for mold to be just sitting around the house. Sounds like one slip up and you've given yourself anthrax or something. I'll stick with playing in the water.


Well-Known Member
Just an update. Took some advice, left some on the table. We're about 2 weeks out from harvest. Sunday I'm starting their straight rainwater and sugar flush. No nutes.



Well-Known Member
How much will you pay me to tell you why you are going to fail?
In what aspect? If you are talking about the grow in the pics? that was done months ago. If you mean the cloner it's already working. I apparently define "failure" differently than others.
So, if you feel you have wisdom to impart, by all means, enlighten me. If you expect compensation, how about a small piece of wisdom from me.
Never pet a burning dog.


Well-Known Member
All I'm hearing is a self important prick that has nothing to offer. Or even lower a troll. So what's your beef?
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Well-Known Member
No beef, just your post where you throw somebody’s advice back in their face rubs me the wrong way. Good luck on your growing.


Well-Known Member
You are still as vague as a politician. Gods I wish people were more direct with issues. So tell me what I did wrong... TWO GROWS AGO!


Well-Known Member
Don’t put medium into aero cloner. If it rooted you were lucky. They will keep the medium too wet. Bare stems in aero cloners


Well-Known Member
Ok, thank you it is something I will consider for next time. But, as of now, it's working. Just because I don't immediately jump on all advice given doesn't mean I didn't file it away. The advice "I left on the table" was to bet bigger bins/rez. And whomever it was was right. It is a major pain in the ass to keep Ph stabilized in smaller rez'. I just didn't have the money to go get new bins. It is something I'm still in the process of. I'm hoping to see larger yields with the bigger bins.

