2ltrs per gallon per minute. Enough air?


Well-Known Member
Hey gang,
Experienced grower making the leap from
Flood/drain to dwc. I've got a commercial 110ltr/min pump going to 18 4 gallon buckets. 4" round airstones in each bucket.

Will this be sufficient?


Well-Known Member
I have only read amounts in terms of Watts per gallon and that was 1 watt per gallon as a minimum. I use an 80w for 30 gallons of solution.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. I appreciate it. I'm running 112 watts through roughly 60 gallons so should be good.

How many airstones do you have?
legally not meaning to spam your thread... but how do i grow a clone .... i'm new completely to the growing .. i only have one clone i had bought from the club.. and was wondering what i need to make it best and most successful clone?


Well-Known Member
legally not meaning to spam your thread... but how do i grow a clone .... i'm new completely to the growing .. i only have one clone i had bought from the club.. and was wondering what i need to make it best and most successful clone?
Start reading. Then read some more. When your done, finish up with a little reading and by that time, you should have a basic understanding of cannabis cultivation. Don't mean to be a dick, but I don't have time to help those that can't help themselves.


Active Member
According to STG (Sure to Grow) hydroponics, you need at minimum of 15liters/gallon. That seems like quite a bit even to me. In the instructional videos I watched, he claimed that everything you have been told about air in RDWC has been wrong, that you require dramatically more.


I'm not sure if that applies to regular DWC or not, I shared what I know haha, use it if you think it's viable if not, call me a nub and correct me haha.

Looks like that really only applies to RDWC, not DWC. Sorry XD


Well-Known Member
I think the more air the better. I run a 80 watt pump in 4 5gal buckets each with about 4 gal water 2 4' stones in each one. Works for me anyway.