

Well-Known Member
Any info please? I have access to some but idk about trying research chemicals. I've tripped on Shrooms, Salvia, Dxm (ew), and Acid. Any info is appreciated :joint:


Well-Known Member
I have zero experience, but have you checked out the Pihkal entry? Gives quite a bit of info on what to expect. Where's Ndangerspecimen when you need him?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the links Shepj, but I've read them already. I don't know if I'll do it yet, I read a trip report saying it was the most psychedelic thing they had tried, same with my friend who tried it. But the negatives seem to out way the positives review wise. Diarrhea, head aches, stomach aches, nausea, vommiting.

Basicly I have the choice between this and shrooms. I wish I could find Acid again. That was my favorite, but it never comes around here, and when it does(once recently to my knowledge), it's expensive.

So Shrooms, that I have tried, and know I like,
or 2c-t-2, that is something new, but experiamental..


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you can get 2c-t-2 I would imagine you could get another 2c-x.. and at that point, you may want to get another 2c-x :-)


Well-Known Member
Oddly, I can't any other 2c-x haha. I was actually quite surprised that 2c-t-2 came around. Like i've said, things like that are rare around here, you have to have out of state connections for it..


Well-Known Member
i have taken it on about 6-7 occasions,doses ranging from 5mg-50mg.
i found 50mg a very nice trip no headache or nausea.
im definetly ordering this chem again :D


Well-Known Member
T-2 is either praised or put down for having an intrinsic body load. So its basically playing a russian roulette on your body chemistry, everyones biological makeup is different. Its quite odd you can find t-2 which is one of the rarer 2cx's and not locate any other of the familar ones, like: 2c-i, 2c-e! 2c-t-7 is one of the magical half dozens according to Shulgin, so maybe that'll pop into your locale soon ;)


T-2 is either praised or put down for having an intrinsic body load. So its basically playing a russian roulette on your body chemistry, everyones biological makeup is different. Its quite odd you can find t-2 which is one of the rarer 2cx's and not locate any other of the familar ones, like: 2c-i, 2c-e! 2c-t-7 is one of the magical half dozens according to Shulgin, so maybe that'll pop into your locale soon ;)
how soon!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz pm me!