

Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you list a legitimate RC url, you should be hanged. Didn't anyone pay attention to "Operation Web Tryp"?

I hope a mod will edit out that source...


Active Member
yo, if anyone has got any good vendors could you please PM them to me? am wantin to get hold of some meph, mabey some 2cb. If anyone has a link for some pure mescaline i would be really, really happy....


Well-Known Member
yo, if anyone has got any good vendors could you please PM them to me? am wantin to get hold of some meph, mabey some 2cb. If anyone has a link for some pure mescaline i would be really, really happy....
I dunno my mom told me it isnt safe to talk to strangers.

yannys haze

Active Member
2c3 is most definately pretty fucking intense tried play'n need for speed lmfao i thought the clouds were moveing in the game...holy shit never again most intense thing i've ever done.....WWWWOOOOw.....also my friend had bought all the stuff to make it and made it himself and put it on paper tabs as if it were acid...all i have to say is that was a very crazy fucking night..!!!


Well-Known Member
2c3 is most definately pretty fucking intense tried play'n need for speed lmfao i thought the clouds were moveing in the game...holy shit never again most intense thing i've ever done.....WWWWOOOOw.....also my friend had bought all the stuff to make it and made it himself and put it on paper tabs as if it were acid...all i have to say is that was a very crazy fucking night..!!!
2c3 eh? Not too familiar with that one, however I think you may have the name wrong. Could you tell me some more about the trip? How long it lasted and how the come up was?


Well-Known Member
there is a 2C-G-3? If that's what you meant... otherwise there is no 2C-3.
Yes there is but it could not be laid on paper.

DOSAGE: 16 - 25 mg.

DURATION: 12 - 24 h.

(with 16 mg) It came on in little leaps and bounds. All settled, and then it would take another little jump upwards. I am totally centered, and writing is easy. My appetite is modest. Would I drive to town to return a book to the library? No ever-loving way! I am very content to be right here where I am safe, and stay with the writing. It does take so much time to say what wants to be said, but there is no quick way. A word at a time.

(with 22 mg) I walked out for the mail at just about twilight. That was the most courageous thing that I could possibly have done, just for one lousy postcard and a journal. What if I had met someone who had wanted to talk? Towards evening I got a call from Peg who said her bean soup was bubbling in a scary way and what should she do, and I said maybe better make soap. It was that kind of an experience! Way up there, lots of LSD-like sparkles, and nothing quite really making sense. Marvelous.

(with 25 mg) There was easy talking, and no hint of any body concern. Sleep that evening was easy, and the next day was with good energy.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I didn't read that he did it on paper.. you're friend was bullshitting you and probably himself doesn't know what the fuck it was.

^ is my new updates response. lol.


Well-Known Member
does anyone have any personal experiences with this drug they'd like to share? i'm contemplating trying it but i want to know kind of what to expect.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
joebananas - have you heard on mdvp? maybe have some info like above on it? i was told its an ecstasy analog.
You were told wrong. But, you're close enough. MDVP is:

which comes from pyrovalerone (appetite supressor). Why you're close is it does have the Methylenedioxy (3,4-methylenedioxy ring) which MDMA carries. If you are looking for something similar to MDMA, check into Methylone (3,4-methylenedioxymethcathinone) as it's much closer than pyrovalerone.


Well-Known Member
im mostly just curious. i get grams of amber rock molly for less than most get a quarter of herb so thats pretty much all i eat. how about some shit called foxy? heard of that?


Well-Known Member
This thread is such an eyesore... people just shouting out chemical suppliers left to right... but i guess it doesn't hurt anyways.. i checked out all of the sources.. and all of them seem like a total rip. Please... i wouldn't drop 200 bucks on a gram without knowing a source was legit. If people dont have small sample doses i wouldn't waste my time. Most of the links that were listed sound like people who are running these fraud sites. Whoever posts these frauds should be strapped to a chair and be administered 100mg of 5-meo-dipt.. and see how your day goes from their... your liver would burst and your body temperature will be boiling like a rotten egg... you guys are the maggits that feeds off shit- scammers!