
Kervork..my first trip was the day..got up at 7,at my buddys and had acid on my tounge by 8..walked to his girlfriends house down the street..after that..well..you know...but I trip at all times of the day..I like tripping at festivals during the day..much more energy and you feel like doing something besides tripping out..that's for later that night after more doses :-)
Me either..all the hoes and bitches..snoop won't get off the sofa..too busy counting my sacks of cash and polishing my gators...when I find time I visit r.i.u...
I really thought I was too, then I started running my lights 7am-7pm and I found myself waking up before lights on. I'm up before my wife who is a morning person.
I really thought I was too, then I started running my lights 7am-7pm and I found myself waking up before lights on. I'm up before my wife who is a morning person.

I know I come on here a lot around 5-6 and see your ass on already haha.
That would be me getting on the computer and having a cup of coffee. My mind is still blown by this. I wish I could tell people what changed...
Yeah, it was setting lights to come on earlier that got me on a diurnal sleep schedule. Can't really tell people that.
It's a lot healthier that's for sure. There's nothing better than sleeping and waking at the same time, and even taking shits at the same time everyday. lol
Everytime i get psychedelics i dont end up taking them til 12 at night. Sometimes later. Usually i have a group of friends who are doing them with me and they all work til at least 9 or 10 and by the time they get around and we all drop whatever were taking its usually approaching midnight.

Its nice watching the sunrise and being in the pitch black of night. Really lets your mind wander and create what it thinks it sees in front of you.

But then 8-10 am rolls around and youre ready for bed. SOOOOO ready. haha good times.
Yupp i feel it. I liked it becaue when id drop during the mid day to evening id be kinda wired for the afterglow and end up stayin up almost just as late.

It was kinda nice hitting the pillow after watching the sun rise trippin, but coming down now. Then your body realizing how long its been up and starts to shut you down. Driftein off not really knowing whether i was asleep, or still lying there awake too deep in my head to move.
i also prefer the daytime, earlier the better, despite being a night owl

Most of the people i know like to trip at night or late day. The sun and brightness gets to me. I wake up the next morning feeling like the back of my eyes got stabbed. Tried it a few times on both shrooms and acid. Once on 25i nbome cause i figured itd be better cause the social aspect of it. Still woke up feeling like i had stared into my hps light all night.