

Active Member
Pardon the noob question, but am I missing something? Back when bees were buzzing and not experiencing colony collapse, there was one site that offered research chems but weren't around for long. I haven't been in this world for what seems like a lifetime, but it hasn't been that long. Is there a change in the legal status of various novelties?
You have to understand that ambiguity is neccesary in this game, but it comes at a price. For a person to correctly interpret your quandary, you'll have to word your post better.
how much of a starter quantity would be adequate for someone who never had any hallucinogens or psychedelics?


Active Member
Ambiguity is a total necessity, which I appreciate. It was about the time that pihkal was published. They offered a couple of interesting analogues. I know they are not around anymore. I just wanted to know if the legal climate has changed or whether off shore opportunists are being more bold.


Active Member
Ambiguity is a total necessity, which I appreciate. It was about the time that pihkal was published. They offered a couple of interesting analogues. I know they are not around anymore. I just wanted to know if the legal climate has changed or whether off shore opportunists are being more bold.
yes it has. quite a bit in the last couple of years. seemingly the rise of bathsalts and incense seem to be the cause of unwanted attention.


Active Member
yes it has. quite a bit in the last couple of years. seemingly the rise of bathsalts and incense seem to be the cause of unwanted attention.
If I am interpreting correctly, the legal climate has grown to be more restrictive to include items that in the past did not warrant any undue attention.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Ambiguity is a total necessity, which I appreciate. It was about the time that pihkal was published. They offered a couple of interesting analogues. I know they are not around anymore. I just wanted to know if the legal climate has changed or whether off shore opportunists are being more bold.
Sorry. :D Missed your post. I was around shortly after TiHKAL was published, so I may know of what you speak. If you have the PM privilege you can PM and discuss a little more openly.

With the crushing blow of Web Tryp and the increase of public awareness through the marketing of RC stimulants and cannabinoids the Analog Laws have been more oft cited and the possibility of prosecution by it has become more of a factor as evidenced by recent arrests.


Active Member
With the crushing blow of Web Tryp and the increase of public awareness through the marketing of RC stimulants and cannabinoids the Analog Laws have been more oft cited and the possibility of prosecution by it has become more of a factor as evidenced by recent arrests
oh boy, I am completely out-of-the-loop. No need to discuss further, just sayin',...

I don't even know what RC means, <chuckle>
well im still searching for a vendor with no luck, i no you all hate people asking for links for vendors and so on but can someone give me a clue? im finding it impossible to get 2c-e... with all the stories i read, curiosity of experimentation is overwhelming. anyone please?


Well-Known Member
2c-e is one of the most explored 2cx's. Many reliable vendors exist. Sometimes you must take a risk to conquer! I took a few and came up empty handed.