270W CFL DWC White Berry


Well-Known Member
wow that Aero setup look fucking amazing. Im impressed..... how much did you pay for the misters..?? how about the lights.... let me see the fuckin lights already lol

I hope your plants survive... just pray to baby jesus... then smoke them fuckin nugz... FUCK IT!


Well-Known Member
damn homie that tub is legit as fuc!!!!

cant wait to see that bad boy in action, keep us posted man, really lookin forward to your grow


Well-Known Member
The setup was pretty cheap, pump was the most expensive part

tubing and t connectors was like $6 and the heads were like 87 cents a piece. so, pretty cheap.

I'm pretty content with this setup, I've gone through about 3 revisions on this project and I'm finally happy with this setup, its been the most effective by far. And least ghetto I might add.




Well-Known Member
Hey, would love to see some new pictures of your White Berrys! I've got a monster mother White Berry in bloom right now. She's 3 weeks along! I'll be suscribing to this thread for sure!


Well-Known Member
wow that Aero setup look fucking amazing. Im impressed..... how much did you pay for the misters..?? how about the lights.... let me see the fuckin lights already lol

I hope your plants survive... just pray to baby jesus... then smoke them fuckin nugz... FUCK IT!
Yea, I really think the tss and wb clone are fucked root wise, they will live for a few more weeks, but growing at a slower speed and they will eventually die before they finish.

My Blue cheese plant is suffering from what looks exactly like what sirsativa had.. It had nute burn for the longest time but I guess it just progressed into something else. I'm not too worried though because it doesn't seem to be slowing down the bud production at all, just eating up the fan leaves, I should have time to finish before the rest of them get owned.

And just for you Alex..

My 270W 17,000 lumen light setup!

2x68W (4200 lumen ea) 2700K bulbs on the side, one plug to socket each.
2x42W (2700 lumen ea) 2700K bulbs on opposite corners of triple y-socket fixture, one plug to socket.
2x26W (1600 lumen ea) 6500K bulbs on opposite corners of triple y-socket fixture.

I am using shoelaces instead of zip ties to fasten my bulbs because I'm a cheap ass. And.. It is a HUGE ass powersupply, you need to get a big one with lots of plugs so you can space the y-sockets out so the bulbs aren't resting on eachother.


I am working on a little 2 week perpetual cycle for this 2 room aero setup.

Next grow I will do a walkthrough of the entire micro-setup.

It will be nothing but store bought materials and lights. (CFLs)

Hey, would love to see some new pictures of your White Berrys! I've got a monster mother White Berry in bloom right now. She's 3 weeks along! I'll be suscribing to this thread for sure!
If you had read some of the newer posts you would know that a) I already posted a picture of it and b) my main whiteberry plant died.



Well-Known Member
Hey bro real sorry to hear about your problems, keep your head up and look at it this way you will have some FREE dank to smoke in the end.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Bummer. I still dont understand why I veg with a 400MH and I never get fat stemmed compacted growth you have. And I use a 1000HPS for flower and Cant even get an ounce off a 3 ft plant. Tell me how that works.


Well-Known Member
Well, I keep my lights as close as 1.5" from my plants thats another big benefit about cfls. I am only covering 2 square feet with 17,000 lumens, 1.5" from the plants tops.


Well-Known Member
Thought you had more than 1 WB? Your 'main white berry' sort of means you have more than 1?
Well, I've only posted pictures of one single plant that came from one seed, and was put into flowering.

Then I posted a picture of the top-clone.. which is the only remaining wb.

I wish I had more than one whiteberry plant lol... :/


Well-Known Member
Well, I keep my lights as close as 1.5" from my plants thats another big benefit about cfls. I am only covering 2 square feet with 17,000 lumens, 1.5" from the plants tops.
My plants are 6 inches from the 1000HPS hood. Still every strain I put under it does the same thing. Grow very little during the stretch and make hardly any bud. I also keep my 400MH about 8 inches from the canopy.Maby you got lucky and got some badass genetics. I would have kept that plant as a mother for sure. I still have 3 white berry seeds to try out. Maby I can get a better pheno than the one I got now. These turnd purple towards the end of flowering. Grown in a toxic tent as well.



Well-Known Member
Yes they are.Those plant yielded only 4 grams dried each. I was expecting a half oz from an 18 inch plant put into bloom under 1000HPS. I think thats around week 6 ish. I cant seem to get a decent yield from any plant I put in there. And I just bought I new "non-toxic" metallic interior grow tent and thier doing the same shit that they did in the old tent. Ive tried different nutrient, strains, soil mixtures. soil is at a solid 6.5 so I dont see how pura vida 2-6-6 would be causing the plants to turn completely yellow in a few days from N deficiency. This shits getting rediculous. The plants arent using the nutrients Im feeding them and theyre not processing the light.


Well-Known Member
Damn lurk that really sucks about the root rot. Your aero setup looks way good though, as does your CFL arrangement. Thats crazy how quick they went from looking perfect to dying. Makes me want to add yet another airstone to my AG.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I had a crash course in root airation and I moved straight to aeroponic, lol.

I took a look at the roots and I see tons of fuzzy white spike roots coming out from my blue cheese and whiteberry roots, the thai super skunk appears to be progressing bud-wise but it doesn't have the same pretty looking roots.

I am VERY very happy with the results from this aero setup, next grow I will definitely do aero from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I had a crash course in root airation and I moved straight to aeroponic, lol.

I took a look at the roots and I see tons of fuzzy white spike roots coming out from my blue cheese and whiteberry roots, the thai super skunk appears to be progressing bud-wise but it doesn't have the same pretty looking roots.

I am VERY very happy with the results from this aero setup, next grow I will definitely do aero from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
So you said your aero setup sprays for 10 min, then 20 minutes off, right? This guy goes 1 min on, 5 off, with great results. I wonder what the advantages/disadvantages are to these different timing schedules. I guess both seem to work quite well. I'd like to try something like your aero setup eventually, and I'm all but convinced that CFLs, if used in abundance and properly placed, can in fact produce plants that compare favorably to an HPS or MH grow. I hope your TSS just keeps producing!


Well-Known Member
Alright so.. the blue cheese started flowering april 29th, white berry clone was put into 12/12 way before april 23rd, but started flowering around then.. (same time orig wb plant did) The thai super skunk I believe, did not start actually flowering until May 4th despite the fact that it has been on 12/12 since it was a seed, and it was planted sometime in march...

It looks like ALL of my plants have recovered from root rot, the white berry is growing new roots, and so is the blue cheese. But I'm not too sure about the thai super skunk, but its been growing just fine.

Blue Cheese

Whiteberry (single cola clone)

Thai Super Skunk

Also, I seeded all my plants with thai super skunk pollen taken from a friend.

I kind of half-assed it though, I cut the top of his plant off and put it in the freezer overnight, then after it thawed out a bit I rubbed it all over the lower buds and stuff, I found a few pollen sacs on the lid of my tub afterwards, but I'm not too worried, I hope I at least get a few seeds. If I get a shitload on my other buds I won't really be unhappy since this is my smoke anyways. Free unique cross genetics.

