2700k cfl for veg?


Hey all,
Little help please.
Will 2700k cfl's work for veg?
Just sprouted a new grow and that's all I could find at the mo, will change to 6500 as soon as I can.


Well-Known Member
They will sprout and veg.........but not well, its alot better to use 6500 as this is the correct spectrum :) - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
It doesnt really matter for vegging, 2700k works just as good as 6500k imo. Ive vegged under red spectrum only plenty of times. They work best when paired together though. Mixed spectrums are better than just using one or the other.


Active Member
It doesnt really matter for vegging, 2700k works just as good as 6500k imo. Ive vegged under red spectrum only plenty of times. They work best when paired together though. Mixed spectrums are better than just using one or the other.
for vegging and flowering? and if so whats a good ratio like lets say for vegging 3:1 (3) 6500 to (1) 2700? and vise versa


Well-Known Member
veg =2 blue bulb for every red bulb, so for example if you had 3 bulbs you would want 1 red and 2 blue, 6 bulbs=2 red 4 blue, and so on.
Flower=2 red for every blue, like above cept flip flopped so for example if you had 3 bulbs you'd want 2 red and 1 blue, 6 bulbs 4 red and two blue and so on.


Anyone know a good uk site?
I've looked for 6500k and cheapest is £10 !!
Can get 23w 2700k for 50p but got enough of those already !


Active Member
Hey darkdestruction is it a proven method mixing spectrums with cfls better than just all 6500 for veg and just all 2700 for flower?