27 OUNCES from one plant (wet that is)


Well-Known Member
that pic in no way is evn remotely close to 27 ounces, wet or dry... sorry but you need a new scale.. not trying to be a jerk at all, but i've been around the block a few times and no way is that 27 ounces..


Well-Known Member
Gonna readjust my estimate down too. I should have looked at the pics. When someone says 'wet weight', what I mean by that is the weight of the buds right after they are trimmed thoroughly (e.g. no stems visible, trim leaves off, no fan leaves at all), and those plants aren't trimmed. I guess the term means different things to different people. So, I'm gonna go with 3 or 4 ounces, maybe 5, after trimming and drying.


Well-Known Member
it does look like a nice harvest but once those are all dried and trimmed (fan leaves and stems) your looking at somewhere near 3... congrats on a succesful 1st harvest


Active Member
fellas i weighed it after i trimmed and manicured it... not when i took the pic!! good looks though


Active Member
and reef couple... hate to break it to ya but my scale is from a legit lab and is noway inaccurate...peace and love man


Well-Known Member
yeah definately keep us posted, and what you did harvest looks great, even the yield looks good.. what you showed us in the pics is what my VISUAL harvest is from a single plant every 2 months.. thats why i say 3 ounces when dried and cleaned etc.. i never expect more than what you just pulled... so to me you did a great job..


Well-Known Member
I say 7.29 ounces...

In one of my experiments I harvested a fully ready, yet 8" clone which yeilded 6.7 grams wet. Once dried it is now 1.8 grams. That is a 73.9% reduction in weight. If you dry and cure the same time and way I did, I would guess 7.29. I will be very happy if you fill us in with the dry weight. :peace:


Active Member
hell yeah BlessAmerica... i am hoping for somewhere around 7 as well.... ill def keep you guys posted, right now still in drying phase and is still relatively wet