27 days Flwr.LA Woman


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. My first round with the LA she finished very quick, like 7 weeks. This time shes lookin more like a 8 weeker. They list it 8-9, but I was poppin nanners at 8 my first time with it, so keep an eye, it seems to vary a lot by environment.


Well-Known Member
Cool my friend thanks for the help and support I'm very happy so far and I'm cont. my bud cutting experiments I learned from riddleme.


Well-Known Member
:weed:Thanks to the great ingenuity of riddleme I've began to experiment myself with the cutting of buds to produce a abundance of size but thats not all trich production also,so we shall see. He did show me with his plant,Going Loco Colorado Medical Grow.

Here is a few pictures of the top of the bud I cut and a huge nug I got from a friend and more photos of my plant "Orion". Iwant a little more towards the body high than head,what is the recommended time for that? trich prod. amber or milky and what %.

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
:weed:Here she is my girl or should I say young woman ha ha ha anyways she is beginning to smell a little and frosting up nicely I know she still has a ways to go but never the less I'm very proud so far I what I have,I have to be I've never been this far in a grow before she'll be my very first full term grow. Well thats enough rambling for now.

Peace out,

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
:weed:Here she is my girl or should I say young woman ha ha ha anyways she is beginning to smell a little and frosting up nicely I know she still has a ways to go but never the less I'm very proud so far I what I have,I have to be I've never been this far in a grow before she'll be my very first full term grow. Well thats enough rambling for now.

Peace out,
Looks like she could have used a bit more nitrogen...you could still try it and see.


Well-Known Member
Too late in the game for that I'm finishing with Fox Farm Big Bloom and molasses. Purely Organic better taste all round.


Well-Known Member
Here she is and not very much longer to go.:joint:This will be my very first complete grow knock on wood.Here's to many more,salud.(cheers)

peace out,
zoso914 :arrow:



Well-Known Member
Those look almost done. First grow= good job!
:mrgreen:Wow here we are at 10 weeks and like the energizer rabbit she's still going. Today I cut the 4 popcorn size buds so to induce fatter growth towards the main colas let there be FAT and there was Fat A$$ calyxpos. I'm also beginning to see some of the milky cloudy trich's on the buds so can't be long now I think I will have another toke of the Purps.:joint:

Peace out bros&molls


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:Another addition of the LA Woman here's some more porn, I would like to try and harvest her during the harvest moon. Mystical time and I want to have a very good harvest I know I don't have quantity but for what I lack there will hopefully be replaced with quality, which I would take any day.

Peace out,
Jules Vern :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
:clap:Here she is in her entirety minus an 1/8 th of course needed to know what I was dealing with right she is perfect for my wife and I we're very pleased indeed so in a few more weeks she'll be ready from the jar, not much of a yield for first harvest, but even so I'm very pleased and proud. Much thanx ganja13 you rock. I figure a total of 16-20 grams dry weight, 2 to 3 months worth of smoke the way I smoke.my wife only needs a toke or two and she's toast. Must be nice. :weed::bigjoint:

Peace out,
jules vern:fire:


Well-Known Member
Total from seed was 121 days 13 weeks flowering 30 days vegging. A month to cure should be about right 5 days today in jar started that after drying in closet for 3 days hanging off clothes hangers.Ghetto I know we have a ghetto budget right now.Better days are a comin.