26 clones and a 600 watter


Well-Known Member
cool im thinking ur ganna need a dehumidifier no matter what..more plants=more humidity..i grew 15plants in a cramped closet once and got it..ur set up reminds me of mine so be careful brotha..good luck
thats very true. actually i couldn't grow big buds without dehumidifier. i would get mold consistently. mine is turned on every single grow from week 5 till the end of flowrring


Well-Known Member
I might move the girls inside and make a grow hut for them out of wood or panda film with 2x4 bracing. I am trying to figure out how big to make it.... Like maybe 8x4x7??

I guess this is where the dehumidifier comes in. I am gonna be using a 6" exhaust and 2 fans will this be enough to stop mold?

Dehumidifiers cost between $25 and $250. How big would I need?