250w recommendation


hi all i started my grow already and don't really like how the buds are looking and wanted to switch from cfl's to a 250w hps/mh. i wanted a 250w ballast cooltube kit i saw a few online but don't really know which would be good for a stealth grow and help greatly appreciated :leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If you are trying for stealth then HPS is probably not the way to go.

You see with an HPS lighting system comes a ballast. Magnetic or Digital. Magnetic ballasts have quite a loud hummm. Not deafening or anything but certainly not stealth. Digital ballasts create alot less noise but cost alot more.

Then there is the cooltube to contemplate. IN order for a cooltube to be effective you have to use a Centrifugal inline fan which alone will cause around 30-60dB of noise thus stopping your stealth grow being stealth.



thanks damon hey have u ever tried led I've read a lot of post about them some say fantastic some say craptastic can u give ur opinion if u tried them b4 thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Personally havent tried LED yet.

From the research i have done LED's seem good for Veg but bud density isnt fantastic when using only LED.

Some people supplement with added HPS when using LED's during flowering.
