250W MH/HPS, 5 Green House El Nino & 2 White Widow, 1st Grow


This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end

So I finished to cut my beautiful ladies and it weights 171g. My goal was originaly to do more than 100g and my dream was more than 200g. I a still really happy with this result knowing it's my first grow, I was using 250W only, my lamp feld on my most beautiful plant and broke the biggest branches, I used some flowers to produce seeds and I just used the cheapest nutriments for cannabis I found.

for americans, this means 6 ounce and 1/8 :D


Sorry for the slow answer.
No I'm not gonna start one too soon. I yield 39 seeds on the top of my 171g so in 3 to 6 months I will probably start again.