250W HPS to little for 3x5 foot space?


Intend to put 9 plants in there, im wondering if 250 W is too low and how many plants i should rather go for if it is too low.

The 250 is something i already own so i´d rather not spend more money on this operation at the moment.

Thanks for any and all advice.



Well-Known Member
too small for nine plants...unless ur doing them in solo cups.. i'd go with 4 or 600hps.. I would do 3 with that 250.. save the other 6 in veg take clones... by the time u have enough money to get that 400 u'll have at least 12 clones ready to flower... do a sog


Well-Known Member
too small for nine plants...unless ur doing them in solo cups.. i'd go with 4 or 600hps.. I would do 3 with that 250.. save the other 6 in veg take clones... by the time u have enough money to get that 400 u'll have at least 12 clones ready to flower... do a sog


Active Member
on average 30 watts per square foot is the least you would really want and you are at about 16.6 watts per square foot. Not ideal conditions to grow in but you can still grow something for your efforts if you choose your type of grow wisely. I would build or find a smaller area to grow in, to concentrate all the lumens of your 250 on a SCROG or perpetual SOG depending on your growing medium. Smaller HID's are an interesting challenge that can surprise you with a decent yield if used efficiently.


on average 30 watts per square foot is the least you would really want and you are at about 16.6 watts per square foot. Not ideal conditions to grow in but you can still grow something for your efforts if you choose your type of grow wisely. I would build or find a smaller area to grow in, to concentrate all the lumens of your 250 on a SCROG or perpetual SOG depending on your growing medium. Smaller HID's are an interesting challenge that can surprise you with a decent yield if used efficiently.
Ok, i was planning to grow them in single pots and the actual area covered by the pots is something like 2.1X2.1 thus giving me 56,7W per feet, but since i was erecting the grow area i wanted to plan for future(600W hps) and a grow area of 3x5 and 24 plants.

So the reason you recommend a smaller area is to utilize the reflection of the walls to the max (i guess).

Since this is first time grow im not gonna try for anything like SOG or Stress Manipulation. Just gonna try and work out the basics first and then go for the increase yield methods.

What if create 4 walls within the 3x5 area that would be just as big as the pots need, that way i would maximize reflection from walls and thus light?



Active Member
if you really want to make a wall, then make just one so you have 3 x 2.5 grow area and that in return gets you 33.3 watts per square foot and makes batter use of your lumen output.


if you really want to make a wall, then make just one so you have 3 x 2.5 grow area and that in return gets you 33.3 watts per square foot and makes batter use of your lumen output.
Ok, cut the space in half then, ok..... but why ?

Is it to maximize gain from reflection ?

That´s the only gain i can see between a smaller and a bigger space using the same lamp. But like i said, im a NewBee in this and probaly something im not thinking of :lol:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Ok, cut the space in half then, ok..... but why ?

Is it to maximize gain from reflection ?

That´s the only gain i can see between a smaller and a bigger space using the same lamp. But like i said, im a NewBee in this and probaly something im not thinking of :lol:

From what I've read you would ideally want at least three thousand lumens per square foot. I took a piece of 3/4" plywood cut it in half and put casters on the bottom. I then took two by fours cut them off at six feet and used the other two foot of wood for feet of the movable walls I built. I took a piece of masonite cut it in half and attached the two pieces to the six foot two by fours to make my walls. I have the front of my grow open so my window air conditioner can blow into the opening. Here are a couple of pics. I started ten plants, I'm hoping for six or more females. I also left the bottom of my movable walls open. My containers are at least a foot tall so I didn't need any reflection low, plus I wanted to leave the bottoms open for ventilation.



From what I've read you would ideally want at least three thousand lumens per square foot. I took a piece of 3/4" plywood cut it in half and put casters on the bottom. I then took two by fours cut them off at six feet and used the other two foot of wood for feet of the movable walls I built. I took a piece of masonite cut it in half and attached the two pieces to the six foot two by fours to make my walls. I have the front of my grow open so my window air conditioner can blow into the opening. Here are a couple of pics. I started ten plants, I'm hoping for six or more females. I also left the bottom of my movable walls open. My containers are at least a foot tall so I didn't need any reflection low, plus I wanted to leave the bottoms open for ventilation.
Again i wonder, cut my space in half so i get a better number from the equation ;)

Or cut it in half so i get better reflection from walls and thus utilize the available light better.

Seems to me that it can be one or the other.

I don´t see other reasons....enlighten me :blsmoke:


Active Member
Your lumen output diminishes the further the light has to travel. At 4 inches you have roughly 78,000 lumens but at 8 inches it is reduced to about 20,000 so you can imagine if you have a 3 x 5 area the furthest 2.5 feet will only get 1400 lumens. The intensity of the light gets weaker the more it has to travel and you need intense light to create thick dense growth. The furthest you want your plants from your 250 is 14-16 inches at most. Try to shoot for 30-50 watts per square and you should be ok.