250w Hps Closet Grow from Start to Finish


Well-Known Member
try asking one question at a time it helps
Try not posting if it isn't helpful info or a comment towards the journal.

To answer your questions the 60% male ratio is something that is somewhat common depending on the seed bank / breeder and bad genetics are pretty common reasons for the high male / female ratio. As far as the curling I have the same problem with only 1 of my plants and I do believe it is heat stress so I just have a fan blow directly on that plant and when I have good days I sit her near a cool area with some sun and she seems to perk up a little. I will throw a pic of her on here when my internet decides to allow me to upload again (POS ISP) lol


I did have like 6 questions thrown in last post which I edited, nothin to fuss over, just a newb full of excitement

Update 15 days into flower, 4 out of 9 bagseeds are female, males were dismissed from the party average height is 2.6 feet tall. As seen in pics, 2 are in LST they keep growin too tall decided to let lower branches catch up to height.

Can I LST the plant with bud spots growin, just for 3 days till other branches equal out without problems?? I dont want to freak out the plant as I am happy with what I am getting so far

Late thanx but that light chart is awesome Joker



Well-Known Member
Then where's my +Rep you clown!!! Jk man you're very welcome and I hope it helped you out. You can lst a budding plant and it should be fine. I started mine because only 1 of the tops (15+ total) was able to get much light so I topped that part and let the rest grow out and now she has something like 18 tops and is doing fine. Going to be harvesting her after the weekend.


been busy, plants are looking and smelling good for bagseeds, its about the 5th - 6th week of flowering. The plant all the way to the left is tall but not showing much bud, its not directly under the light now( might be reason why) but I perfered my best 2 plants directly under the light since they are the BEST and healthiest. Im thinking the one on the left just doesnt have good genes any thoughts on it? The plant all the way to the right was never LSTed and got repotted late, reason for size. My 2 plants in the middle have about 16 colas each and are falling over. Leaves are getting some yellowing which I believe is normal. I want these things too fatten up and fill in good any tips on how to. I water twice a week, one with nutes, one without, I think I under feed nutes, Im too scared to over do it



:-(Fan leaves are turning yellow to gold, then falling off. Im at week 6-7 in flowering, I read this is common but they are yellowing and falling quick.........

I read I could feed some veg nutes to add N to keep leaves longer and healthier, any input on this. It has been hotter lately too, but it only happens to the fan leaves.

If anyone notices something out the regular please let me know as this is my first grow.

all help appreciated :mrgreen::mrgreen:



Active Member
U need 2 pull those dead(dying) fans man, all they're doing is taking light and energy from healthy ones. Use a sharp clean razor and don't worry, mary-jane is quite a resilient lady.=)


Active Member
And if ur still unsure just check out some vets grow journals and you'll see in the last week or so b4 harvest most , if not all ladies, start lookin a little stressed.


Well-Known Member
Or even better take your index finger and press down lightly on the base of the leaf and it will fall off if it's ready to be discarded (don't be shy about hurting her but be smart about your pressure or you might snap the limb it's attached to). Your plant will let you know what they are still finding useful. They are resilient granted but they are also resourceful :D

And if ur still unsure just check out some vets grow journals and you'll see in the last week or so b4 harvest most , if not all ladies, start lookin a little stressed.
This isn't always true there man, if you check out my thread my ladies only lost a few leafs towards the end of flower. They looked great otherwise and no it wasn't premature. I am a vet grower and know how to read my plants very well :D

Stoney G

New Member
Well here goes, this is my 1st grow , decided to do 250w Hps from beginning to end. Journal is starting late as this is day 18 from sprouting. This is all random seedbags gathered from several friends, supposably 2 or 3 out of the 9 plants are some good. First grow didnt want to spend too much money so decided to just get hps for now to do the job and random seeds, so if they die fuck it.

Closet is 7'W x 2'D x 7'H, 2 sliding doors, only using half the closet tho, carpeted floor thru some shelf boards down

Started about Feb 12
germinated in wet paper under bowl (15 out of 30 seeds), then into grodan rockwool cubes, 3rd day when half of them were about an inch, cat got to them pulled half of them right out the rockwool, chewed some leaves, destroyed a few tops and roots. Oh yeah the cat caught it hard lmao at 3am!!!:fire:9 out of the 15 recovered.

Round 7th day had the 250w hps light around 12 inches, burnt the leaves, heat got up to the mid 90s. Immediately did research thru in my 20 inch fan, raised light to 17" above highest leaf, put bowls of water everywhere to raise humdity

Around 18th day now- Today my temps are 83 with my closet door open, fan running with light 18/6, humidity 37%, ph 6-6.5 guess with cheap drop tester, watered 2 days ago with 1/4 dose of botanicare Pro Blend Grow ,2 liter of water with one teaspoon of nutes fed all 9 plants, didnt get no water runoff. Soil is Roots Organics by Aurora mixed with perlite

Last night, lights off temp:68 , humdity 65%. hung some wet shirts, and socks just touching water in bowl , have a pot of water with shirt hanging above light, heavy, not falling now where

4 plants in 2 gallon pots, other 5 in dixie cups, random grow sizes, 2 havent made no progress but they are alive, one of the plants are 4 inches tall, 9 wide, have paper between soil and leaves to reduce the chance of mold. Its cool all the plants look different some tall/short, leggy/bushy, thin/fat leaves and dark/light/ or burnt leaves

would appreciate some pointers for the newbie, my plants have gone thru several issues and would like to head in the right direction. said a lot I think, kno I probably missed somethings, just wanted to be detailed n brief. Help me out guys:lol:

Exactly how much ml per L from start of veg all the way through I've 18 2 inches 4 days old, I'm using biobizz light mix and all mix. For veg I''m using biobizz grow and fish mix, if you could help us out with some tips I'd appreciate it.