250W Grow Contest - All welcome to join!


Active Member
Hey Rollitup..

I've decided to start a grow again for the winter months... To make it more interesting rather than just having a grow journal I thought I could open things up to the entire Rollitup community.


1. 250w of lights only (either flouros or HPS/MH)

2. To make it even..All plants will be started from seed (sorry no clones)

3. Any growing method is acceptable (Hydro vs soil, SOG, SCROG etc) so no need to change up what you normally do.

4. Start date will be October 20th +/- 14 days (ie. those who have just started from seed can join!)

We can have prizes for highest yield, best bud, etc. The contest can evolve as people join and I'm open to suggestions.

This is a 250w grow so assuming we are all modest growers so please leave all egos at the door. This is just for fun!

FYI: I'll be growing in a 2 x 2 tent with a 250w MH and 230 W HPS conversion bulb. I've only completed two grows to harvest so I should be easy to take out!

Anyone else in or able to take part??

Also anyone else who would just like to subscribe and follow this as a grow journal are welcome to partake...


Active Member
haha.. Clearly no one replied.. maybe I was a bit early I still haven't started anything yet.. just got my tent setup the other day..

I'll likely start a journal in a week or two when exams are over!