2500mg of dxm


Well-Known Member
body load is heavyer than shrooms ide say, but only sometimes. You know how youll have those moments in a dxm trip where you have huge bursts of energy, I really dont feel a body load then, then theres times when the body loads so strong you go into stuck mode, like your arms and legs are in a track at different points in your extremidies and you have to move a certain way (a higher degree of robowalk kinda) or that your back is curved like a snake even though you sitting up straight.


Just picked up some whippets today. Been about 3 years since I tried some. Was in wal-mart today, walked past them and said " It's been a long time, I shouldn't of left you..."

Seriously, I just found out last week by some dude on bluelight that nitrous oxcid is what they use for "laughing gas". I thought to myself "that's why I couldn't keep that damn smirk off my face when I took em".

These are fun but it sucks the high is so short. and I mean SHORT! you got about a solid 30-45 secs. of feeling good and then BAM, you're right back on planet earth. Then, if you try to pop a couple more, after about 4-5 I just feel like a headace is right around the corner if I don't stop.

Nice a nice, fun, quick high.


Well-Known Member
Just picked up some whippets today. Been about 3 years since I tried some. Was in wal-mart today, walked past them and said " It's been a long time, I shouldn't of left you..."

Seriously, I just found out last week by some dude on bluelight that nitrous oxcid is what they use for "laughing gas". I thought to myself "that's why I couldn't keep that damn smirk off my face when I took em".

These are fun but it sucks the high is so short. and I mean SHORT! you got about a solid 30-45 secs. of feeling good and then BAM, you're right back on planet earth. Then, if you try to pop a couple more, after about 4-5 I just feel like a headace is right around the corner if I don't stop.

Nice a nice, fun, quick high.
Take it easy man ive done it till I passed out and all I could see and feel was the universe. I felt like my identity was everything, as to say humans are not important just a part of everything just like everything else. I knew for a fact that I had just died and felt like I had just woke from a 5 year sleep. It was scariest and stupidest things ive done to myself. Even though this seems very bad I think of it awsome I just may know what it feels like to die........honestly until now I never really thought about itenough till now wow.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Is dxm considered easy or hard for body load?
The only time I had any body load was the time I took ~2.5g's and puked. Occasionally you experience bodyload anywhere between 50 minutes to about an hour and a half after taking, which is when DXM starts kicking in; I think the hydrobromic acid may have something to do with the initial discomfort.


Well-Known Member
ok maybe ive been confused when people say "body load" I always think of a strong body buzz that can be uncomfortable. So it just means stomach problems? I guess the reason for this is people always complain of shrooms having a strong body load, why not just say nasea? and for some reason I cant spell nas-ee-uh lol