250 watt HPS closet grow


Well-Known Member
I watered the plant this morning and I decided to take a look at the PH my water is at. unfortunately it's slightly high, my tap is at 7.1. What I will do rather than messing with PH up/down I will just get Distilled water at my local grocery store. Last year for my 3 plants I grew I went through like 25 gallons of distilled water, so I know what to expect. If anyone doesnt have an electronic PH tester, get one. I was fortunate to get one for free from my friend, I just had to put batteries in it (those were like 15$) but the tester itself is valued at 120$. completely worth it if you use it a lot, you know everything that is going on with your plant and soil. if you need more nutrients or not, what the water is like, preventing nute lock and other easily overlooked isssues.


Well-Known Member
Could you post a picture update?
definitely will later today. The plant seems to be doing extremely well. I have been tying it down after topping it. I am going to flip the lights to 12/12 on monday. I have been following Fox Farms feeding schedule with the nutes. Lots of budding sites, thick stock on it, nice color, temps are good. I got my water situation figured out, no more faucet water, instead distilled only. My faucet PH is way too high and worries me about nute lock, distilled water eliminates that issue.

ive got 4 main colas and 2 smaller colas. It could be due to the fact that i waited too long to top the plant, and it could have turned more into a FIM.

stay tuned folks


Well-Known Member
on a side note. I picked up some silver haze last night, this shit is amazing. it's from cali, a friend of mine has a connection. (I live in the midwest btw). But yeah, this silver haze smells great, it's just all in all a well rounded sativa. worth any wait.


Well-Known Member
Total Veggie Time: 60 Days
Total Main Colas : 4
(unofficial) Started Flowering: 12-13-2010
(official) Started flowering on : 12-15-10

8 week point of flowering 2-9-2010

est. harvest date between 2/9/10 and 2/20/10

I transplanted the plant into a 5 gallon bucket as this will allow for more room for growth.



Well-Known Member
plant is doing great after the late transplant. Today crystals started becoming visible, looks good to me


Well-Known Member
Hey Folks, merry Christmas to everyone!

:joint: So this watering today ending up being a fairly productive one for me. I learned a few tips for future grows. It was time to water today, it had been 3 days and the plant was pretty thirsty. I decided not to use any nutrients on my last watering (which made it 2x in a row w/o H2o [I like to use nutes every other watering].

:leaf: So basically after adding Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and a little Grow Big, my original one gallon of distilled water with 7.0ph, dropped to 3.2ph. I ended up diluting the mix with my filtered tap water that has a 7.9ph, and managed to get the PH up to 5.5ph.

:peace: I took some pictures and posted them below; there are a few things I'd like to point out.

  • The plant was topped late, though it does have four main colas
  • In a few pictures you can see some definite minor nute deficiency (yellowing of tips). This is because of earlier in the vegetation stage the PH was high due to me using my filtered tap water with that 7.9ph.
  • The plant was transplanted from a 3 gallon pot to a 5 gallon bucket early into the flowering stage.
:weed: This plant has been very resilient so far; it hasn't really been stressed a lot, I just worry a lot of small things to perfect. Though this is only my second grow, I am beginning to feel extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of growing. What I want to do in my second grow is simply use distilled water during the vegetation stage (Grow Big barely affects the ph), and my filtered tap water during the flowering stage.

:-| I feel like I kept everyone in the dark for a while during the vegetation stage, with minimal updates on here. Expect a lot more updates in the future. I'll try to do one every 2-3 days until harvest.:mrgreen:

:joint:Merry Christmas ALL!:joint:




Well-Known Member
Plant is doing extremely well. She started really showing crystals a couple days ago. Smell is getting a bit stronger and very delicious. Here are a few pics from tonight.

:joint: namaste

