250 w HPS question


Active Member
you can technically grow start to finish on hps...or even mh...or even cfls....

they say a full spectrum of lighting is best.

So since you have a 250watt hps...why not run a some 6500K cfls in addition to the hps.

it would be more productive in my opinion.

do this even in flowering.

use the 6500k bulbs as supplemental lighting...like in the dark spaces or sides of your plants...


cool, thanks for the info. i was wondering if the stretching at change over is going to blow up, as my space is limited?

le' rukkus

Well-Known Member
cool, thanks for the info. i was wondering if the stretching at change over is going to blow up, as my space is limited?
well the light change shouldnt stretch the plants, thats more based on where and how far the light(s) is. should definately help the plant vegg alot more, try "lst" (low stress training) if the plants stretch up or even if they dont.. it'll definately do you good. search "super cropping" on youtube or low stress training on this site..


Active Member
I'm currently vegging 7 plants under 250w hps :-)

Oh and there's no stretch, just keep the bulb 9-14 inches above the foliage.


you guys are great thanks, i have one more question. I was harvestin roughly an oz a plant, using my cfl's start to finish, what kind of diffrence could i see. i am currently waiting on my ICE seeds from nirvana, all other harvest have been bag seed.