250 hps + 2x 125w cfl vs 400 hps


Active Member
Alright guys hoping some of you guys who have experimented with lights can give me a hand here:

I have a 1mX1mX1.5m tent
Usually the tent is running with a 400w hps having to use a 6" inline n carbon filter to keep the tent cool,
Havnt grown for a while n thinking of re designing tent,
I also have a 250w hps (dual spec bulb) and I was wondering weither I would loose out much by using 2 125w cfl's either dual spec or 6400k (blue) as either side lighting or hung either side of the hps,
I understand that it'll be cheaper using the two cfl's an the hps then the 400w and that I would get a better sprectrum from the two types of bulb but I just want to know about yeild ?
Thanks guys hopefully I can put this to bed befor my night shift is over so I can go to bed without my brain thinking overtime

Any input welcome
I want to try not to use the 400w this time if I can, heat and electric
The 400 is fine on it's own but obvz as u said would be much better with cfl aswell, do u think I'll suffer much with the 250 and two cfl's rather than just the 400?
Thanks for your reply
Brilliant Thankyou Rex you have been a great Help to me these past two days,
Sorry to be a pain one last q I promise, would u say it would be better to use the two cfl's as side lighting or hang either side of the hps? Problem with hanging is it means they will need to be same hight as hps which won't be optimum
Ideally, hanging them on the outskirts of your plants, or in any pockets between growths would give you the most benefit.

It's really going to depend on how you train them to fill under the light.
I normally go for a scrog or just mainline to get a flat canopy I suppose in this case they be better off hung as there ain't realy any space inbetween I was thinking of getting 4 90w cfl's and clip on hangers so I could have one on each of the corners, hopefully this won't shade the hps atall, took me 2 12hr night shifts but I think iv got it planned well hopefully lol
Thanks Rex yet again you have been a lot of help to me
Happy Farmin
No problem at all. Scrog will be better than mainlining for less light.

What kind of fixtures are your cfls going in? Most of the time you can tie them from the top poles of the tent and drop them down to any level at any place desired. Depends on the fixture though.
If I hang I'll use wing reflectors if not then e40's or I'll buy some bayonet end bulbs and use regular clip on fixtures and a lower watt bulb and well I do love a good scrog with a proper lolipop
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