Son, I was there when they taught school 45 years ago. (Uphill, Both ways. In the snow. Barefoot. Hungry.) Even then we knew that the Venus of Willendorf was perhaps 26 thousand years old, which means George Burns probably knew the sculptor. cn25 years ago, kids in school thought humans had only been around since the birth of Christ.
Did you know any better 28/30 years ago?
Say goodnight Gracie!Son, I was there when they taught school 45 years ago. (Uphill, Both ways. In the snow. Barefoot. Hungry.) Even then we knew that the Venus of Willendorf was perhaps 26 thousand years old, which means George Burns probably knew the sculptor. cn
Oi, I take offense at that. I am a snake handler, not by trade but hobby (seriously!) Please don't put me in the same category as the nutters (those that believe in god, jesus etc),Dumbest. Thread. Ever.
Even the most literal interpretation of the bible dates creation (including man on the sixth day, btw) to at least 6,000 years.
And the Theory of Evolution has been prominent in public schools for a long damn time; half a century at a minimum. And it estimates modern humans have been present on this planet at least 200,000 years.
Nobody believes humans have been here merely 2,000 years. Even the most fundamentalist, snake-handling evangelicals reject that as horse shit. Just as they did 25 years ago.
There are ancient weed stashes way older than that.![]()
The only reason you might take offense is if you are a snake-handling evangelical.Oi, I take offense at that. I am a snake handler, not by trade but hobby (seriously!) Please don't put me in the same category as the nutters (those that believe in god, jesus etc),