25 days into flowering, dying (pics)


Well-Known Member
i had to open another thread since i found my camera, but if you havent read my other thread then this is a 5 month old indica bagseed 25 days into flowering outdoors, using mg soil. as you can see its suffering from a nute burn, i stopped feeding nutes 2 weeks ago, yesterday was its third day flushing and the brown keeps spreading on the fan leaves but not the middle leaves, so if those die will the leaves in the middle be enough to do photosynthesis?



Well-Known Member
you should repot your plant.

i think plant will survive the flowering stage. but you cant count on too big buds.

repot plant fast, cause small pot is stopping plants growing and slowing bud development.


Well-Known Member
PS another good reason to repot your plant is that more leaves will grow saving the plant.


Well-Known Member
repotting? you mean using a bigger pot with different soil?

do you think it will survive the flowering stage in the pot its in right now... i dont care for big buds just as long as it does not die!
and i dont want to buy a BIG bag of soil for just this!


Well-Known Member
wat size if the pot ur using how much gallon of dirt can it hold and ey man ur plant is dying its burning up ur temps are way to high burning the edges of the leafs put it in a cooler spot and it should be fine


Active Member
repot in a bigger pot but with the SAME soil, you dont want ur plant to possibly have shock from new soil, that will just give u some more problems. bigger pot, keep flushing for a couple days and cut off those big dying fan leaves. it can survive but you gotta do it right


Well-Known Member
dude i dont even think it can hold 1 gallon, but i really dont know. you see the trash can wheel in the background? just compare it to that i guess...lol

i gave it some shade, do you think that will help?

the soil is almost near dry, should i flush with alot of water??


Well-Known Member
well take the measurments of ur pot and post them and dont worry people grown monster plants in 16oz party cups so once we find out how much urs can hold ill give u a better size for it but it does look pretty small and no man stick ur finger into ur soil with ur index finger about up to ur middle knuckle and if its dry than water it and yeah juss flush it giving it nuts now may put more stress on it but if u want u can mix like 1/16 strength in a galoon of water wit some good N to get those leafs healthy again


Well-Known Member
ok im going to repot it an a bigger pot tomorow if the brown spreading continues by the afternoon. if it stops spreading then ill take out those two bottom dying leaves out and leave it in the same pot because i dont want a transplant shock and a chance of another burn from the soil that already has nutes.

from what it looks like right now do you guys think it will survive in that pot if i just give it fresh water with no nutes? ill harvest 30 days from now if anything...i dont care if i yeild much, its just for fun.... i have med shops here in cali with amazing kinds of buds!


Well-Known Member
I have a similar sized plant(not flowering) that was in a container about the size of yours,it just hit a point and stopped growing,in my case i put it in the ground and in a week it almost doubled in size and looked much healthier.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Don't use soil with nutes in it. each time your flushing your addng nutes as waterting activates the nutes that are in the soil..


Well-Known Member
Don't use soil with nutes in it. each time your flushing your addng nutes as waterting activates the nutes that are in the soil..
what if the nutes in the soil is used up??
on the soil bag it said, feeds up to 3 month, and my plant is about 5.5 months old so could it be used up...

for now i checked up on it and compared to a pic and it seems like the brown stopped spreading for now....
hopefully it stays that way... the two bottom leaves have some green on it so should i leave them alone or remove?


Well-Known Member
what if the nutes in the soil is used up??
on the soil bag it said, feeds up to 3 month, and my plant is about 5.5 months old so could it be used up...

for now i checked up on it and compared to a pic and it seems like the brown stopped spreading for now....
hopefully it stays that way... the two bottom leaves have some green on it so should i leave them alone or remove?
its good if the nutes are used up now u can control ur nutes but yeah juss keep flushin it until ur plant is doing fine again and yeak keep it in the shade if its helpin and the temp is lower u should really buy a thermometer and if ur leafs have more than 50% green than keep them if not than toss them


Well-Known Member
ok so i checked on it today and i cant see anymore burn spreading. although the furthest small leaves on the top of the plant have brown tips, is that bad?
if it spreads tomorow im flushing that bitch with 2 gallons of fresh water..
thanks n00b !!!


Well-Known Member
You said you were using MG soil. Does this stuff have the time-release-fertillizer? I burnt plants using this stuff. Every time you water your soil release the ferts which can cause your plant to burn up. Just flush it a few good times.


Well-Known Member
the earthquake that happened today here in cali knocked out one of my bottom dying leaves for me:hump:

i flushed my plant real good today!
almost 3 gallons of fresh water and my pot is about 3 quarts. i drained her over a bbq grill and got majority of the water out. it took my abour 25 min total and i noticed i lost some soil or either it because compressed...

i decided im not going to repot it for now unless something else happanens...

my plant is about 29 days into flowering and i still do not see any buds, just white hairs, some orange hairs on the top part. i noticed the plant is getting more and more crystals, and the inner leaves are getting thicker


Well-Known Member
u might not think its buds but i bet they are thats what i thought juss wait a lil longer they will really startt to fatten up and how often have u been watering ur plant it might not be good if u been flushing it daily and the brown tips mean a lil nute burn if not ur temp might be a lil to hot again for realz tho man get a thermometer and i dont think ur soil would be letting out anymore nutes since its been 6 months and hey post some pics let us see what they are lookin like now