I'm no organic grower so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I think adding molasses when they are overfed already and showing nitrogen toxicity is a bad idea.
The way I understand it is that by adding sugars to the media you will be increasing the populations of your microbes already present. If they have been hammered with N, (for what looks like a least a little bit) I would imagine your microbe population has been carrying out nitrification of the NH4 that is in your feed as a source of energy. Thus, (and this is where I really have no clue what im talking about!) I would imagine that your microbe population is skewed towards species that are capable of carrying out nitrification. So my theory is that if you increase the population of those microbes in the soil you will be encouraging them to break down what ever NH4 is left in the media which will make your problem worse.
Honestly though, for 25 days in those look really good especially considering all the claw I can see.
Have you ever considered buying some raw salts? I find that they are good in specific situations where you have over done one of the big nutrients and need to just drop said nutrient (like N) all together.
If I were in your shoes (again take with grain of salt, I dont know your whole set up) I would look into mono potassium phosphate ($16 for lb on amazon, should last forever), calcium gluconate (dyna gold makes a great product imo) and a big ol bag of epsom salt ($20 for 50lb bag) for situations like this in the future. I find myself using these ferts a lot in mid to late flower with great success and they allow for a lot of flexibility when things go wrong.
There is a program called hydro buddy that i find useful, and its free! When things like this happen to me I can make an impromptu custom feed using hydro buddy and the array of raw salts I have accumulated and I can usually still end up with a great harvest.
but honestly like I said I think your buds look great for this stage all things considered, so as long as you dont stress them out too much I think your gonna have a great harvest despite this set back!
good luck!