24hr light cycle for veg


i am new and and heard and read different things. Is it ok to give 24hr lights on for the entire veg stage.


Active Member
i am new and and heard and read different things. Is it ok to give 24hr lights on for the entire veg stage.
Jorge says in his bible that he'd thought that there was a point of diminishing return on lights, but that research showed twenty four hours of light DID promote fast veg growth, so the answer is yes. Twenty four hours is good. I still keep mine 18/6 though. Let me know how it does for you and post some pics occassionally.


Well-Known Member
ive heard of people doing 24 hour constant for the first 3-4 days or so but not for the whole veg stage. i'd switch to 16/8


New Member
IMO vegging with 24 hrs of light is only wasting money in reality were here trying to duplicate mother nature only places i have bin where theres either 24 hrs of darkness or 24 hrs of light is on the poles where nothing really grows
what most people do is clone from there plants and go 24 hrs of light once they transplant into bigger pots the flip to 18 / 6

all 24 hrs of lights really do is give you a bushier plant and smaller plants need dark hrs to use up al the energy it was given when lights were on


Active Member
ive heard of people doing 24 hour constant for the first 3-4 days or so but not for the whole veg stage. i'd switch to 16/8
If you have Jorge"s Bible look at page 28. He says " I used to believe a point of dimishing returns was reached after 18 hours of light, but further research shows that vegatative plants grow faster under 24 hours of light. Marijuana will continue vegetative growth a year or longer ( theoretically forever ) as long as an 18 hour photoperiod is maintained. "


Well-Known Member
I think if you only use 125W HPS then you should have it running all the time. If you are using 1000W HPS then you can run it less. Indicas can take less light as a rule. I'm running both 600W LED's and 1000W HPS atm.