240watt cfl single plant carboard box grow...8 days into flowering


Active Member
This is my single plant stealth box grow with 240 watts cfls...I just determined the sex 8 days ago and have had the plant on 12/12 lighting since the 4th of this month... its in miracle grow potting mix, schultz nutes 10-15-10 which i will be changing soon since its now into flowering. The temperature is 78-80 degrees when lights are on and 68-72 when off. Please leave comments, opinions and suggestions please...



Active Member
Not to sure wat bag seed is but if it's when you find a seed in a bag and grow it then that's wat it is... The bud the seed was with was really good so I'm hoping for the best. It's only my second grow and my first was outdoors and the lucky part of it all was I planted one seed and it was female so I'm pretty happy.