240v CMH HELP!!!!!!

Your panel should be configured so that every other breaker space is alternating phases. So a double pole breaker should get each phase when stabbed.
Thats your problem

L1 - L2 should = 240v

So somehow you have both hot lines wired to the same phase. Show us a picture of the wiring in the panel.
You are pulling your 120 legs from the same phase.
You have made sure your insurance is paid up, right?????? JK
I’m confused, how could both sides be running off of the same leg? I haven’t had a chance to look at panel since yesterday, working a 14hour shift. I know the panel is federal pioneer with stab lok breakers, with a square D sub panel. I know the FP Stab Lok double poles are pretty narrow but they say they are 240. I purchased the house off of family last year. I know my brother in law built the house and the electrical is scared and the rats nest of wires in the panel is rather scary. I haven’t had a chance pull off the cover for the main, but there’s no way it can have just one hot and a neutral? Single phase should always have two lines and a neutral right?
When I was an electrician we had to replace those whenever we saw them. They are dangerous and should NOT be used under any circumstances. Their breakers are made with sketchy materials and are not reliable.
The breakers you are using as double pole are probably just space saver or tandem breakers that simply put two breakers in one space on the same phase. The 250 v rating is simply the rated voltage, not what it's designed to put out.