2400w Vertical Monster


Well-Known Member
very interesting system design, makes me stop and rethink the way i do things around here, look forward to seeing all 85 up and running.
ya man me too... this first grow was just a trial to get it all worked out and running smoothly but the next go around is going to get serious! I cant wait to start round 2!


Well-Known Member
Dude your grow is gonna be fuckin amazing come full on flower time! GL keeping that thing underwraps. Ne ways I'm def gonna subscribe to this grow and cant wait till youve got all those sites filled. I hope those super mites get the fuck out of your apartment and leave your ladies alone. Keep it updated and I'll stick around.


Well-Known Member
Dude your grow is gonna be fuckin amazing come full on flower time! GL keeping that thing underwraps. Ne ways I'm def gonna subscribe to this grow and cant wait till youve got all those sites filled. I hope those super mites get the fuck out of your apartment and leave your ladies alone. Keep it updated and I'll stick around.

Me too bro...me too...

Seamaiden gave me a recipe for some nicotine tea that seems to be doing the job... I will know better when the lights come on... and Im with you bro I cant wait to get all 85 in there.. gonna be smelly haha



Well-Known Member
update on the spider mites.. the nicotine tea killed about 8 out of 10 of those lil bastards so im going to brew up a tad stronger batch and hit em again in about 3 days and probably another 3 or 4 days after that... other than that they are lookin great, starting to fill out nicely and smelling wonderfull... has a sour smell with some sweet undertones very exotic!


Well-Known Member
Well ladies n gents we are officially on the final stretch. These pics are from day 41 of a 65-70 day cycle with my sour diesel x lavender.

I have had more problems with these babies than any grow i have ever done with the spider mites and recently found some aphids in there and transitioning between nutes which left me with some mg problems... it has been a trip for sure, i cant wait to start fresh with some new kiddos!

anyways a lil update, i seemed to have gotten rid of most of the spidermites, although they are trying to make a comeback, i am holding them at bay till we can get done with this. also noticed some aphids munching away so have been treating them as well but got them gone for the most part. we now have about 25 days left till the big chop and are coming down the big swelling path. I hope they fill out nicely, they seem to be doing pretty well! anyways here are the pics...



Well-Known Member
Looking Good!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,Best Of Luck!!!!,,,Can't Wait For The Next Up-Date!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
thanks hatch I will probably do one more update before the chop, then some dried shots. I really am looking forward to adding 30 more sites and starting over with babies all in the same stage of life so i wont have all these nute balancing problems. then we will really have a grow show!!


Well-Known Member
update on the spider mites.. the nicotine tea killed about 8 out of 10 of those lil bastards so im going to brew up a tad stronger batch and hit em again in about 3 days and probably another 3 or 4 days after that... other than that they are lookin great, starting to fill out nicely and smelling wonderfull... has a sour smell with some sweet undertones very exotic!
I have strated growing my own tobacco plant. It seams to be a lot stronger the cig tobacco & one plant will last 3 or 4 yrs after u hang it upside down to cure strip it and put it in some tupper ware Seads are very cheap on ebay works alot better :hump: I would be glad to give you a hand and even give you a couple of seads & explain how to grow it


Well-Known Member
I have strated growing my own tobacco plant. It seams to be a lot stronger the cig tobacco & one plant will last 3 or 4 yrs after u hang it upside down to cure strip it and put it in some tupper ware Seads are very cheap on ebay works alot better :hump: I would be glad to give you a hand and even give you a couple of seads & explain how to grow it
i appreciate the gesture but i quit smoking cigs:mrgreen: and having that around would be too much of a temptation for me haha also i dont plan on having any more spider mites lol

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Flo: Nice set-up. Hope you don't mind if I steal the idea for my next round. I'm currently using Northern Farmers Stadium set-up and was wanting to get back to hydroton next round. Your irrigation design looks very efficient, particularly with the added benefit of aeration of the fluids on the return path. Care to elaborate on timing, cycles, etc?
You also said you were using two lights, for 10 out of 12 hours. I'm assuming in a cross pattern, i.e., bottom left-top right and vis-a-versa? If so, your power consumption should be equal to using approximately 14-1500 watts a day instead of 2400?
This would make it easy to do two of these in a 4 bedroom house,no?
Again: Excellent idea!:mrgreen::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Flo: Nice set-up. Hope you don't mind if I steal the idea for my next round. I'm currently using Northern Farmers Stadium set-up and was wanting to get back to hydroton next round. Your irrigation design looks very efficient, particularly with the added benefit of aeration of the fluids on the return path. Care to elaborate on timing, cycles, etc?
You also said you were using two lights, for 10 out of 12 hours. I'm assuming in a cross pattern, i.e., bottom left-top right and vis-a-versa? If so, your power consumption should be equal to using approximately 14-1500 watts a day instead of 2400?
This would make it easy to do two of these in a 4 bedroom house,no?
Again: Excellent idea!:mrgreen::eyesmoke:
Thanks for the compliments guys I appreciate it. I would love to take credit for the idea but it is a spin off of a guy named Heath Ledger, a famous uk grower.. it was in a uk magazine and saw some pics online and decided I had to build one!!

In response to your question the lighting schedule is not quite that complicated... during the first four weeks, I used a flip flop schedule having set one (which consists of 2 vertically stacked 600w hortilux) on for 8 hours. at hour six the second set would come on so that all four lights would be on for 2 full hours. after two hours set one would go off and set two would complete the remaining part of the cycle. I did this in order to save electricity while the kiddos were just stretching out.

at week four I started to do a similar flip flop only this time set one would come on, then two hours later set two would come on, giving the plants 8 full hours of light, then the last two hours only set two would run.

at week 6 I started the full 12/12 with both sets.. this did raise the temps a few degrees but I figure the extra light will really help push the babies along (which it has)

as far as feeding cycles I only feed 2x daily, once when the lights come on and once mid-day.during the last two weeks I raise it to three feedings a day in order to maintain ph stability within the rockwool cubes while the kiddos are really suckin down the juice. I have had a few nutrient issues so I am thinking about uppping it a couple of feedings just to see if it stabilizes it a little more.

there is a lot of aeration from the return and I also have a couple of air stones in the res so that nutrient hotspots do not occur since there are only two feedings per day.

I would love to see more people go vertical I think it is the wave of the future and makes for a much more efficient use of light. be sure to take lots of pics!! :blsmoke: The one thing I have had trouble with is the gutters, there is a little bit of splash from the drainage but nothing noticable, still if i could go back i would raise them up a tad. also you have to be sure that the draining side is the lowest point so that there is no standing water in the gutters. all of my gutters drain well except for one side, which i had to shim up and duct tape so that it would drain correctly. also be sure to use a very large water pump because pumping to height takes a lot of work and i may need to upgrade the pump when i add the extra sites.

my last word of advice and def. the best thing i did was added the 4mm inline valves to control the flow to each individual feed tube. the ones at the top get much more pressure than the gravity fed tubes so being able to adjust the flow to each one individually makes tuning the system an absolute breeze!

any other questions I am happy to answer:mrgreen: i could talk about mary and setups alll day long!!:peace:



Well-Known Member
im about two weeks from the chop chop,, i had to chop two of em down because the feeder tubes got clogged sadly and they dried out overnight.... tried to save em but to no avail... i guess i will have to run some flora kleen every couple of weeks to dissolve the salt buildup... will post pics of the ones hanging later tonight


Well-Known Member
In case no one's mentioned it, the color yellow attracts mites.
Don't forget the eggs, which in veg I spray a second time for, 2-3 weeks after adult kill.
I just found my first mites in 4-5 years last night. Fortunately they were/are on some recently harvested plants I was considering re-vegging. Three, I cut all but the slightest green from, sprayed and put back. I didn't find any on those. The ONE is out. Not worth the trouble and possible future issues. I've had 'em before and beat 'em easily. Hopefully these will be normal pests and NOT SUPER MITES!!!


Well-Known Member
In case no one's mentioned it, the color yellow attracts mites.
i did not know that...very interesting... where did you hear that? luckily i dont have any yellow around other than the burn from my hps haha... im still fighting those mites tho... they are pretty bad but once i do the chop im going to terminate those mofos and make sure my next batch is clean!