24 hrs of light... Bad thing?


Active Member
yes it looks like your leaves are burning and turning yellow... how much are you watering the plant and what kind of nutes are you giving her


Well-Known Member
lights are def not to close. Not even using full strength canna nutes watering every 2 days.


Well-Known Member
You should really read this before you start growing


Something as simple as lighting schedules is pretty basic and you should at least know the basics of a grow before attempting one. Some say I'm being a DICK but if you want to have your first grow successful you really need to know the basics. You don't have to study it and get quizzed but you need to have a plan from start to finish or you are certain to fail and be discouraged enough never to try again, then you will miss out on all the different varities you could have tried. Good Luck.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
You have some major issues going on there--the ph is off in your medium and loaded up to boot---I bet your ppm's are close to 1800 in there:sad:---This is what I would do first-----1. If you are using tap water you will need to evap the chlorine out for 24. Then you should check the ppm's and ph as a reference. Then ph the water to 6.5 and water till you get run-off---you need to collect this run-off and check the ppm's and ph---I can tell you right now it's going to be high and you ph is off---after you check it log it down and post the results here so that we can get you on track brother.


Well-Known Member
24 hour light is perfectly fine to veg under, it does NOT cause males nor any other malady to happen. I have been happily vegging under 24/7 for YEARS now.


Well-Known Member
24 hour light is perfectly fine to veg under, it does NOT cause males nor any other malady to happen. I have been happily vegging under 24/7 for YEARS now.
I agree. I only use 18/6 to control the heat. That way the lights are off when the day is at its hottest.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I only use 18/6 to control the heat. That way the lights are off when the day is at its hottest.

Exactly!! Or some people may decide 18/6 is easier on the budget due to high energy costs. Where I live is the cheapest energy in the nation so its no big deal it would only save me $5 a month to switch.