24 hr Darkness b4 Harvest!

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Well-Known Member
so where did we land? should i give my plants 24 48 hours of dark before harvest?
We landed somewhere on the fence.
While I don't feel that you'll see any benefiets from it, I say try it once. Worst case scenario not very much happens other than your plant losing a few days of maturing time. Best case, 30% more thc (doubtful, but I like to keep an open mind) That way you're able to seperate the truth from the bull for yourself.
Regardless of what you choose to do, don't get bamboozled by bricktop's way of putting across information; by posting questionable statistics and dubious studies he puts up this veil of infallability. Science and knowledge are our friends, but you need to be able to apply that knowledge in a practical way.

Long story short, everyone has their own ideas about the best ways to grow this wonderful plant. Just take everything you hear with a grain of salt, including the things Bricktops says, and the things I say.

Here's a little jar of some dope given no dark time before harvest. To see what weed given dark time looks like, just look at the picture again. It is identical in appearance.


baha you should have posted the same pic twice, see if anybody could call your bluff
ok, heres what i dont get, I have smoked some mighty fine herb grown outdoors, they really couldnt give their plants 24 hours of darkness unless they caught the solar eclipse and to be honest if the weed had 30% more thc it would have been called instacoma!!!


Active Member
Speaking of instacoma, assuming you harvest when the trichs look like you want them to, how many more are going to turn amber while she sits in the dark? Ya, they're going to be a little different, but if that's the flavor of different you're looking for then wait for more amber to show up in the first place.


Well-Known Member
There not going to turn in the dark, nothing is moving inside. When its dark the Highway shuts down. The highway is the plants life blood, its the water/nutes it takes up in the day. At night everything falls back into the roots and the life blood stops flowing. The worst thing you can do for a flowering plant is to let it go bone dry. That shuts down everything.


Well-Known Member
just so the jackholes doubting me know, i have a test kit, and i have done several side by sides in the past on this site. including the difference between using just metal halide and using just HPS (i have a lot of room). and as far as the 4 strains i fuck with, there is not a difference when you go dark for 24-48 hrs, not even noticable...30%, lol. and since you brought it up, do you know how they tested the herb? of if it was dry when tested? or the maturity of the buds? or the drying conditions? or fucking anything other than the same crappy lines from the simm website? do you even know where SIMM gets their funding? do you know what SIMM is? or the debacle they have been in? for someone to throw that comment out there, i sure hope they know more than what they have clicked on and read. just a little general ed...SIMM is a government contractor that has no system of checks and balances. they "were" the sole Govt research marijuana producer, which mean there was not an agency to keep them in check. they could write anything they want as fact and nobody could disagree. furthermore, their contract was cancelled 4 years ago. they are prolly selling the office chairs by now. hahaha SIMM...later

Brick Top

New Member
Why the name callin (fools) ? Dude I have tryed it many times, and no I do not have a thc test kit. BUT I do know how to smoke and get stoned and when a 24 hr dark before harvest bud gets you just has high as the straight harvet, I am more than sure there is NO 30% increase in thc.
One has to wonder why High Times is not backing this claim? As a Matter of fact there was a well written article (March 09) on a Grower that goes by the name of Wizard, " then right before harvest he likes to leave his plants in the dark for 72 hrs. According to the Wizard, the stress induced by absence of light cause the precious flowers to darken there color and deepens the the flavor of the bud".
No mention of THC Increase. :peace: Something like that would be all over the news, like world!

So you are comparing what an unknown grower who calls himself Wizard claims to what was found through scientific research performed by the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, and who worked with both TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden and you actually believe that the Wizard’s unscientific visual determination factually refutes what SIMM, TNO Laboratories and the University of Leiden discovered scientifically?
Keep in mind you said; "No mention of THC Increase." Did it dawn on you that in such an unscientific test as the Wizard did it would be highly unlikely that any increase in THC could be determined?
If the Wizard’s test was so scientific what sort of test did he do? How many plants did he grow out and how many were harvested without a period of darkness and how many were given 72 hours of darkness? What laboratory did the scientific testing on his plants and what university tested his plants?
What you did was take a growers opinion as being factual just because it was published in High Times while at the same time ignoring what SIMM’s, TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden discovered through scientific testing.
Gee, I sure have to hand it to you, you sure made a strong argument for your beliefs with that one.

Care to try again? Maybe you can find the opinion of some other unknown grower that you can use and hope it proves scientific studies to be inaccurate.


There not going to turn in the dark, nothing is moving inside. When its dark the Highway shuts down. The highway is the plants life blood, its the water/nutes it takes up in the day. At night everything falls back into the roots and the life blood stops flowing. The worst thing you can do for a flowering plant is to let it go bone dry. That shuts down everything.
so it would seem better to let the plant have 24 or 48 straight hours of light before harvest, keep the "highway" running till the last possible second?
who knows? i still cant get a definate answer on flushing

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I don't know if it helps potency but, I harvest at the end of the 12 dark cycle because that is when I believe the plant is at its lowest moisture level. Hence possibly speeding the drying process and enhancing the flush.


I don't know if it helps potency but, I harvest at the end of the 12 dark cycle because that is when I believe the plant is at its lowest moisture level. Hence possibly speeding the drying process and enhancing the flush.
that makes sensi, i mean, we dry the plant in a cool dark place so i agree harvest the last day at the end of the light cycle, and let it start its wonderful journey from dry to cure to VAPOR


Well-Known Member
So you are comparing what an unknown grower who calls himself Wizard claims to what was found through scientific research performed by the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, and who worked with both TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden and you actually believe that the Wizard’s unscientific visual determination factually refutes what SIMM, TNO Laboratories and the University of Leiden discovered scientifically?
Keep in mind you said; "No mention of THC Increase." Did it dawn on you that in such an unscientific test as the Wizard did it would be highly unlikely that any increase in THC could be determined?
If the Wizard’s test was so scientific what sort of test did he do? How many plants did he grow out and how many were harvested without a period of darkness and how many were given 72 hours of darkness? What laboratory did the scientific testing on his plants and what university tested his plants?
What you did was take a growers opinion as being factual just because it was published in High Times while at the same time ignoring what SIMM’s, TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden discovered through scientific testing.
Gee, I sure have to hand it to you, you sure made a strong argument for your beliefs with that one.

Care to try again? Maybe you can find the opinion of some other unknown grower that you can use and hope it proves scientific studies to be inaccurate.
Let me be clear, what I am saying is this grower does a 36hr dark before harvest. And there is no mention of thc increase. It's in high times, go read it and bitch at him.
What I am also saying is that it is BS when anyone claims that you can get up to 30% more thc in a 36 hr dark period. Thats laughable beyond holding my bladder.
Do you realize that you are putting faith in BS? Think about it, if it where true it would be in every grow book out there. And you know what, they don't need a thc tester to realize that you have more thc. All you need is a pipe and 2 plants. Yep one plant harvested and the other harvested after 72 hrs.
You know what, it's not in any books. And in my garden I have tryed many times and still nothing but a waste of 72 hrs and BS. :twisted:


Active Member
LISTEN EVERYONE, I THINK WE ALL NEED TO CHILL THE FUCK OUT. LOL just playin. sorry had to throw my 2 cents in.

Chase the Bass

Active Member
I'm sure when the study says "30% increase" that means if it was 18% THC it would be ~24% not 18% to 48% right? That just seems ridiculous. Maybe certain strains under certain condition benefit from it. But I don't know jack shit.


Well-Known Member
if you're gonna be harvetsing, you should consider not feeding them ANYTHING for 2-3 days before you chop them down.
this will ensure the plants use up all the energy stores so there's no unmetabolized nutrients left in the plant material.
also, it will help the plants/buds dry faster.

as for the dark period before harvesting debate.... I have let it go dark in the bloom room for 48hrs before I chopped, and I couldn't tell a difference between the 48hr dark buds & the no dark buds. 72hrs darkness might be what you need to invest to get the desired dark time results....
30% increase in overall THC increase seems to be misunderstood.

if something at "no dark" has 18% THC, i think it is rather unbelievable to have the THC % jump from 18 to 48....
COULD BE TRUE I AM NOT SAYING ITS NOT.... but maybe the more 30% increase is being misinterpretted???
the realistic 30% increase may look like this: the plant at 18 THC at no dark gains an additonal 30% of the original 18 (ala 5.4%) percent in the 72hr dark period.... so the plant at 18% thc at no dark period actually goes from 18 to 23.4????

i run a perpetual flips in my flower room, so the lights are never off for more than 12hrs at a time. nobody has complained to me my buds could be stonger...


Well-Known Member
seed bank growers have been known to give 13 hrs light and 11 dark in the last few weeks, but this is strain specific.


Well-Known Member
^^i was always under the impression that changing to the 13/11 light schedule at the end was to help "speed up" the ripening process to allow the buds to be pulled a little earlier....


Well-Known Member
Why the name callin (fools) ? Dude I have tryed it many times, and no I do not have a thc test kit. BUT I do know how to smoke and get stoned and when a 24 hr dark before harvest bud gets you just has high as the straight harvet, I am more than sure there is NO 30% increase in thc.
One has to wonder why High Times is not backing this claim? As a Matter of fact there was a well written article (March 09) on a Grower that goes by the name of Wizard, " then right before harvest he likes to leave his plants in the dark for 72 hrs. According to the Wizard, the stress induced by absence of light cause the precious flowers to darken there color and deepens the the flavor of the bud".
No mention of THC Increase. :peace: Something like that would be all over the news, like world!
so basically ur sayin u dont need a thc test kit..u know the percentage by just smoking and getting high off it?? noise check that bs ur full of it
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