24 hours until move, how to make grow in apartment work


Active Member
Refering to this thread:https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/313944-alright-finally-balls-out-set.html

I KNOW that growing in an apartment is a bad idea, I've researched it forever and pretty much made my mind up to buy a house, but it didn't work out so now I'm stuck with an apartment. I'm still doing it. I'm in an upper corner apartment, outside "hallways" and I have all the equipment mentioned in the above topic.

What can I do to keep maintenence guys out of the master bed room?

Since I have a 2 year old boy, I am considering changing the door knobs on the master bed room to have a lock on them, which is the first measure I've considered.

I'm also looking into any kind of sprays that I can fit above the outside of the bedroom door to keep any unwanted oders out of the hallway

(You walk through the front door and both bedrooms are like right there)

I have 50 clones that I'm going to flower at about 12 inches, let them grow out to about 18 max, tied down but not quiet SCROGING, I'm going SOG (I have a friend that wants to loan me 2 lights that stack vertically on top of each other, perfect for small grow rooms but exactly what you need to make a SOG work with like 95 plants)

I need more security measures that will keep the managers and maintenence crews out of my bedroom.

IF a guy came in to check something, he should have no reason to go into the master bedroom to do anything unless he's checking an electrical cercuit (which is something I could potentially cause with the amount of wattage i might be pulling, about 2000w in lights alone (but I could go as high as 3000w if I thought the apartment could handle it, which I don't)

I have 24 hours before I make this move.

I also need to know whether or not I should pick up either 3 or 4 400w lights OR 2 or 3 600 w lights to replace the 1000 that I'm trying to use.

I'm not making grow closets, I'm not trying to do a "small, personal grow" I smoke waaay to much weed to wait 2 months to produce an ounce ( I smoke that in 2 weeks), so I'd rather just buy an O and not deal with the stress (but I don't want to buy the same weed anymore, I'm tired of Trainwreck and skunk mixes)

Free reps to all who help


Active Member
i would go with the 4 400 watt lights incase one of them fucks up you still have the others. also more than a locking door knob i would get a home security system. subscribed


Home Security systems can bite you in the ass if the alarm is tripped and you don't respond quickly enough. I'd just recommend doing your best to prevent the maintanence folks from coming in by keeping up on all your stuff ( smoke alarm batteries/air condition filters/small repairs ). I'm growing in an apartment, but it's fairly laid back and we pay our rent on time.


Active Member
Right on, I like how the guy that should be the MOST paranoid of all of us (growing in texas) is telling me to pay my rent on time and that's all. Right on, dude! What do you recommend for growing equipment? Like I said, I'm not trying to do the 2 mature plant grow, because it's not worth the time and money. I'd be smokeless before put my next crop to 12/12!! I'm not down with the home security. It wouldn't help with the maintence crew and if the police showed up, I am sort of over my limit for my first crop (I need to so that I can have enough buds to survive the 8 month process of growing out from seed, making clones, growing those clones, then flowering them. Widow takes awhile to mature, for sure) so the fuzz should generally be avoided at all costs... I figured that if i was home at all times during the 6 weeks that I'll be flowering, I should be able to keep a decent eye out for things. I don't believe in using guns against another man, but I'll sure as fuck break an aluminum bat acrossed some guy's jaw if he tried to threaten my family---and my crop is definately a part of my family. Those are my babys, those are my daughters.