24 hours of light or 18/6 ????


Active Member
when they are from the seed all the way to when its time to bud should u use 24//0 or should u use 18///6 hours of light or is there any other variation that can make a happyer better yielding plant? :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
They both grow at about the same pace. Go with 18/6, it use's less electric, and is more natural, because it mimics their natural environment. There is alot of activity going on at night, and to deprive them of that, is pointless, and stressful, IMO. :)

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
personal preff. less light less growth but more stretch. more light more real growth. less light cost less is all and grows less.
you wanted the most so 24 all way to flower then

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
and actualy clones do better at less light according to how those types of hormones work

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
hahahahaha.ok.i havent finished retyping the rest up yet,. just a start to it. learn about auxins and cytokins and youll get how they grow a bit more.

Function And Effect

Hormones are organic molecules that can influence the physiology and development of plants even at low levels. Hormones play an important role in the growth and development of plant and its fruits.

How Hormones In Plants Ensure They Flower

Hormones are produced by and transported throughout the entire plant. They send chemical signals throughout the plant. A leaf may send a message to the stem to make flowers.
The most well known hormones are Auxins, Cytokinin, Ethylene and Abscisin Acid. Brassino-Steroids, Salicylates and jasmonates function in a similar way as hormones do.
Hormones also can be bonded to sugars or Amino Acids as an inactive form for storage. They can be released again by light or gravity again.


Auxins were found by Charles Darwin and his son in the 1880`s. They studied how light effected the direction of growth, focusing on the hormone Auxin`s. Auxins are present above the soil and below in the roots and influence water absorption, cell division and stretching. Auxins promote roots on the stems of plants as used in some rooting hormones.
Testing was carried out by Canna and showed the effect of administering depends on the concentrations and application method fro each type of plant studied.
[FONT=&quot]With week concentrations flowering formation was stimulated while ripening was slowed. With high concentrations growth was slowed along with deformities and tumor looking symptoms. Auxins that are made at the tops are capable of slowing the growth of side shoots. This is known as apical dominance. By removing the top tips stops this effect on the plant. This will result in a broader plant. This method uses the light in a more efficient way. The more tips that are removed results in a more broader plant with more side branching[/FONT]

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Plant Hormones and Growth Regulators

Plant hormones (phytohormones) are physiological intercellular messengers that are needed to control the complete plant lifecycle, including germination, rooting, growth, flowering, fruit ripening, foliage and death. In addition, plant hormones are secreted in response to environmental factors such as abundance of nutrients, drought conditions, light, temperature, chemical or physical stress. Hence, levels of hormones will change over the lifespan of a plant and are dependent upon season and environment.

The term “plant growth factor” is usually employed for plant hormones or substances of similar effect that are administered to plants. Growth factors are widely used in industrialized agriculture to improve productivity. The application of growth factors allows synchronization of plant development to occur. For instance, ripening tomatoes can be controlled by setting desired atmospheric ethylene levels. Using this method, fruits that are separated from their parent plant will still respond to growth factors; allowing commercial plants to be ripened in storage during and after transportation. This way the process of harvesting can be run much more efficiently. Other applications include rooting of seedlings or the suppression of rooting with the simultaneous promotion of cell division as required by plant cell cultures. Just like with animal hormones, plant growth factors come in a wide variety, producing different and often antagonistic effects. In short, the right combination of hormones is vital to achieve the desired behavioral characteristics of cells and the productive development of plants as a whole.

Traditionally five major classes of plant hormones are listed: auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid and ethylene. However as research progresses, more active molecules are being found and new families of regulators are emerging; one example being polyamines such as putrescine or spermidine.


Auxin is the active ingredient in most rooting mixtures. These products help the vegetative propagation of plants. On a cellular level auxins influence cell elongation, cell division and the formation of adventitious roots. Some auxins are active at extremely low concentrations. Typical auxin concentration range from 0.01 to 10 mg/L.

Selection of Biosynth's Products:
B-2700: 4-Biphenylacetic acid
C-4140: 3-Chloro-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid
H-7100: 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
I-1000: Indole-3-acetic acid ultra-pure
I-1300: Indole-3-acetyl-L-alanine
I-1400: Indole-3-acetyl-DL-aspartic acid
I-1700: Indole-3-acetyl-DL-tryptophan
I-1800: Indole-3-acetyl-L-valine
I-2010: Indole-3-butyric acid ultra pure
I-4000: Indole-3-propionic acid N-1420 alpha-Naphthaleneacetic acid


Cytokinins promote cell division, stimulate shoot proliferation, activate gene expression and metabolic activity in general. At the same time, cytokinins inhibit root formation. This makes cytokinins useful in culturing plant cell tissue where strong growth without root formation is desirable. Natural cytokinin hormone levels are high during maximum growth periods of mature plants. In addition, cytokinins slow the aging process in plants. Concentrations of cytokinin used for horticulture vary between 0.1 to 10 mg/L

B-1000: 6-Benzyladenine horticultural grade
K-4000: Kinetin
Z-3000: trans-Zeatin Riboside


Gibberellins are derivatives of gibberellic acid. They are natural plant hormones and promote flowering, stem elongation and break dormancy of seeds. There are about 100 different gibberellins, but gibberellic acid (GA3) is the most commonly used form. Gibberellins are fundamental to plant development especially with respect to the growth of stems. Low levels of gibberellins will prevent plants from reaching their natural height. Gibberellin synthesis inhibitors are extensively used in grain production to keep stems artificially short: shorter and thicker stems provide better support and resist weather conditions better too.
Gibberellins are particularly effective at breaking seed dormancy and at speeding up germination. Seeds that are difficult to germinate are frequently treated with gibberillic acid solutions.

G-2700: Gibberellic acid GA3 90+%


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya thought so..........understand how auxin and cytokins relate to light and dark and understand how roots grow. trigger certain parts to stimulate faster growths of where ever you want in a plant


Well-Known Member
^Yeah, but you still didn't explain why having continuous light, outweighs the benefits of the natural processes that go on during the dark,(on 18/6) or...provide evidence that 24/0, outperform's 18/6.

I'm still waiting..... :razz:


Active Member
^Yeah, but you still didn't explain why having continuous light, outweighs the benefits of the natural processes that go on during the dark,(on 18/6) or...provide evidence that 24/0, outperform's 18/6.

I'm still waiting..... :razz:
ya i would have to say this is definately more natural and since i have a light timer i will probably do it unless there is evidence saying that 24 hours of light is better


I found this advice on this forum,but maybe it was another forum,anyway this what i use.

Decrease daylight by 2 hours every 7-9 days
20/4 --> 18/6 --> 16/8 --> 14/10 -->12/12


Active Member
18/6 'em from day one of popping soil or setting roots from clones. When they get about half the size you want 'em to be, then 12/12 and hang on. Most good weed growers would put a Botanist to shame as far as actual production. Perhaps they can't explain it, but by grabbies they can tell you how to do it. Book knowledge and "theories" are great things for people who sit and think for a living, but give me a man who knows how to make shit happen and he's of more value than any other.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
They studied how light effected the direction of growth, focusing on the hormone Auxin`s. Auxins are present above the soil and below in the roots and influence water absorption, cell division and stretching. Auxins promote roots on the stems of plants as used in some rooting hormones

Auxin is the active ingredient in most rooting mixtures. These products help the vegetative propagation of plants. On a cellular level auxins influence cell elongation,
......this means stretch

, plant hormones are secreted in response to environmental factors such as abundance of light,

Cytokinins promote cell division, stimulate shoot proliferation, activate gene expression and metabolic activity in general. At the same time, cytokinins inhibit root formation....this means slows roots

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
in other words,,,more light makes for wider plants with tighter nodes and less roots....less light means taller plant and more internode stretch but more root growth


Well-Known Member
In short, the right combination of hormones is vital to achieve the desired behavioral characteristics of cells and the productive development of plants as a whole.
That statement right right there, I believe, is the reason why 18/6 does just as well as 24/0.