24 days into first grow


Active Member
well guys i started on jan 10 and im now on day 24 . i have 8 plants now there are 6 sprouts. and 2 plants that are 6 and 13 inches tall. i have them on 18/6 a day . i flushed the 2 larger plants last night and decided not to water today . i have also not given any plant foods to them in roughly a week. due to my planned Flush date . i am getting alot of leaf growth on top of the plants , along with some in the corners of the branches. REMIND YOU I STRETCHED THESE PLANTS FROM SEEDLINGS THEY WERE USING A HEAT LAMP TO CAUSE THE STRESS, BUT NOW ARE ON 4 -6500K DAYLIGHT 100watt bulbs this might be why my largest plant is as tall as it is . but i have lower the stress and allowed it to recoup seems to be doing well can i get some advice where i should take it from here and what i need to do for the best flowering possible and when to do it
(if its even female)


Active Member
like i mentioned im growing these guys to try to cause stress and conditions they are not used to i will take pictures tonight and post them an you guys lead me from there what i should do lol its my first grow but im not gonna stres myself to do it