24/7 vs 18/6 light cycle


ya jus wondering what everyone thinks or if anyone experimented to see iff more growth occurs in 24 hours of light or does a rest (DARK) period help in the growth.?? 24 hours light vs 18 hours(6hr no light)


Well-Known Member
the only living thing on the planet that doesnt sleep are some growers cannabis , give the poor thing a rest why dontcha , its shown in studys plants grow better and as such produce more from 18/6 , 24/7 should only be used on clones to stop the bloody things stressing to an early grave


ya ive found in the past 24 hour light periods made the plants bushier .im into the 2nd week of 18/6 fer th first time and its not too bushy jus gtn taller i find.