24/7 Light ON Autos - to maintain temps in winter

twat is big up here in canuckistan yup lol

I do have a few heating pads meant for keeping terraniums warm that I have placed under outdoor pots when the season gets cold to keep the roots warm, but I hate having cords and mess everywhere.
I'm looking to grow in a cold cellar space that would need to be heated to keep the root zones warm.

I am thinking of running Autos solely for this reason as I think I can run the lights 24/7 to warm the space. Electricity is fairly cheap and the HPS light will provide plenty of heat.

I'm curious if I may have trouble with some strains not flowering or somehow the lack of "sleep time" everyday may hurt them?

I'm not to worried about the electricity cost for the 500w I will be using constantly.

Any negatives to a setup like this?

If your lights can keep the air temp warm enough when it's -45c and windy outside and if you keep the air circulating around the pots you won't have any issues keeping the roots warm enough imo.

Absolutely dont hesitate to run lights 24/0 with your auto. Autos not flowering or hermies are the exception not the norm.