24 - 48 Dark period before harvest

Newbie here, think im going to go into final darkness today after my light period. My question is, do i do a final water? or do i let it dry out now for the full two days in the dark?

I think ive done pretty well over all for a beginner. Big healthy 4ft something plant. Buds arent as big as id hoped but they are better than expected also... full on organic grow for my first time as i think its important to have a baseline to go off.

But yeah, to water? or not to water? that is the question.
Let it dry out
Ah, that makes sense... i wonder if there are benefits to a final water, i might just let it dry out... How are you getting on with yours? Its so cool learning about all this and putting it into practice. So many different stages and smells, and worry lol ill be glad to get this one done and under my belt. I just pulled a nug off to dry and my fingers are so sticky and smell like straight gas. Fingers crossed this smell comes out more when i dry and cure it, if it does its going to be tasty as hell
This is what happened to mine. I wasn't very happy with it last year. Had some leftovers planted them. Blueberry Auto. The worst one I've ever seen. Hash it?16280374712062759775037905218294.jpg
What is your guys opinion on molasses? i see that is pretty taboo too. I have been using it in the later weeks of flowering. My reasons is to feed the microbes in the soil, so they can turn sugar to carbs.. or something. It helps the plant feed better. and produces CO2? hehe im sure i have something mixed up here but this is what i have read from memory (a really semi-old stoner memory)
gave up on molasses and have not noticed a difference (in soil)