24/0 produces males???


Active Member
ive been reading some posts that say 24/0 light has a higher probability of producing males, any thoughts? I current have 2 babies (about 3 weeks old) under 24/0 light and I want to go to 18/6 (mostly cause it just seems way more natural to me) anyway, should i make this transition all at once or go like an hour a night until i get to 18/6?


Well-Known Member
id go 18/6 unless your commercial, if your recreational no need to speed up the process, best things come to those who wait. i used 18/6 had phenomenal results.


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard of 24/0 producing more males than females. and I would say if youve already been doing it and its been working well for your plants why change? its always best to not change something that is working.

additionally, 18/6 will take longer and still consume the same amount of electricity over a longer period of time.

everyone has a personal preference on lighting times, but personally i think 24/0 works great!


Well-Known Member
it is unnatural tho, and that could increase the chance for hermies or males. good genetics will probably work out the best for 24/0, better than bag seed. but really, why rush a good thing, really come on now this is your smoke, more time to learn about the plants and appreciate the accomplishment. and it cant be more than a few days difference before you throw them on 12/12 at about 12-16" anyway.


Well-Known Member
24/0 wont produce more females. its all about genes for male or female.

but i do suggest 18/6, its more natural

and i got 18 out of 21 females with 18/6 hehe. :)

but i dont think it was the light sched that did that, that was just all luck basically

and yes i would go grad if it was me, less stress on the plant. so i would reduce 1 hour of light per day


Well-Known Member
you can just change it but you really should keep it. Trust me hell you dont have to take my word for it. Just click the link in my sig. Ive done 18 and 24 with no increase in males under 18 or 24 but 24 is faster. And im anything but commercial.


Well-Known Member
i think it doesnt matter what you do to the plant, from the seed it is either a male or a female and when they go into flowering you can see if it is male or female, theyre sex shows, i doubt that they are just like asexual or w.e and then they go into flowering they pick what they are or what you do to your plant, it wouldnt make sence, everything i know of is either male or female from when they are first born. Well that is just my theory, whos with me??


Well-Known Member
how much faster do you think you can get your clones or seed plants into the flower room on a 24/0 over a 18/6, it cant be more than a few days, and i would be willing to wager that the big seed breeding companys like bcbuddepot, paradise, dna genetics, visc, dr.atomic, greenlife, barneys, dutchpassion, use 18/6 for their mamas. im curious because i see no rush, its herb right.