23 Days Sober


I smoked on 4/19 a good bit and I smoked on 4/20 and 4/21 but just a couple of hits of a vaporizer. Before than i have not been a constant smoker mabye once every two weeks if that. If my drug test is on May 16th will I be good?


Active Member
most likely you will have nothing to worry about. a good idea would be to buy a drug test in a pharmacy first and see if you can pass that.


Well-Known Member
Have you been drinking a ton of water? And taking vitamins and suppliments? If so, you will probably pass.


Active Member
Dude you have nothing to worry about. If you really smoke as little as you say you do, you would pass a drug test in as little as 10 days after you last smoked, as long as you dont smoke a shit ton when you do smoke. But generally if you smoke less than an eighth you would fall into the 10 day category. Trust me I have many encounters with urine test in my chosen career. We'll leave it at that, let's just say I would be the one giving you the drug test if you were on Probation. ;-) I'm no angel myself, just come off that way to the public.


Active Member
Dude you have nothing to worry about. If you really smoke as little as you say you do, you would pass a drug test in as little as 10 days after you last smoked, as long as you dont smoke a shit ton when you do smoke. But generally if you smoke less than an eighth you would fall into the 10 day category. Trust me I have many encounters with urine test in my chosen career. We'll leave it at that, let's just say I would be the one giving you the drug test if you were on Probation. ;-) I'm no angel myself, just come off that way to the public.

probation officers give individuals on probation drug tests. so you are saying that you are a probation officer, no?


i say probably in that three day span i smoked a little more than a gram so. And trust me I drink almost a gallon of water everyday and I piss almost 15 times a day. mabye more than that.