23 days flower 1st grow


Well-Known Member
old leaves dont recover from mg deficiency, they just die.
if the new ones are ok then your mg should be cool.
one of my plants got pretty thin before i figured that out, well see how she buds.

budswell, im gonna look for it, thanks


Well-Known Member
nutrient problems are 99% of the time ph problems. so unless your nutrient level is to weak check the ph. thats why i love organics hard to get nutrient burn. if you use a little to much.


Well-Known Member
yea and i just hate the idea of using chem in general. I was using fish and that can change the ph up i do beleive but now i just hit em with a fish spray every once in awhile, smells yummy:) I am waiting for the stuff to get here but i got it all from planet natural dot com


Well-Known Member
o yea and catfish you are right thats why i think the plants will make it through budding we are half wat their the plant as a whole looks off a bit but not horrible