2200 Watt Hydroponic 4 Table Perpetual 4X8 Tent Grow

I'm using a 4x4x6.5 tent identical to yours with a 1k hps lamp. Cool tube, ball brand soil and fox farm 3 part nutes. Still learning but getting better each time. Have a hydro and aero system but haven't installed yet. Making sure I've got the basics and can do it without major hiccups before I use those.
Once you go hydro I doubt you'll go back. I like the Grodan tents. I'm running a 4x8. You should get some GREAT results with 1000 watts over a 4x4.

Hey all. Coming to day 63. Must say it's been a wild ride. Seems like there was ALWAYS something waiting for me just around the corner in this grow so far. Had to keep my head in the game all the way through. I checked the trays today, and seen that two of them weren't draining. Roots had grown into little plugs and down the drain. What a MASSIVE root system of these things. 4 inch thick SOLID MAT in most spots. I use Floralicious + as well as FloraNova Bloom which gives my roots that tan color, but I can assure you they are healthy as can be. Got some trying to climb out of the tote in spots. I unclogged the drains, and raised the flood level to fully submerse all the roots. Seen a little algae in one of the bins that was clogged, but it hasn't hurt it the least. It was a bin that I didn't wrap with a contractor bag. Took the pictures earlier today before fixing the clogged drain issue so some plants look wilted, but they have perked up a LOT since then.

Should be a pretty good harvest. You already know I'm going to try to push these girls to 90 days if they'll take it, lol. So much weight in those last few weeks. Definitely gonna push them as far as they'll go. Should be sweet.:smokeit:

Here's some pics.
Let me know what you guys think.
Sorry to have kept ya waiting.

Been waiting for your bitch ass to update... Looks BOMB as fuuuck!! Looking better than the last for sure!!
Need help trimming? I can take bud as payment.. O.O
Yeah, it's been a while since the last update.
Been through some shit with em too.
Had to keep my head in the game this round, lol.

The next 3-4 weeks will be crazy. They get bigger every day at this point.

System is running smooth, and should produce a carpet of colas :bigjoint:
When you said that I pictured jumping on top of the colas and flying away... Like a magic carpet hahahaha... Looks good bro wel done :cool:


Hey all. Coming up on day 68 and they're not the prettiest plants I've ever seen, but they're putting out. I know they'll look amazing in a couple weeks when everything has plumped up to it's full potential :D
Gonna be sick.

great looking plants man. buds look beautiful. Gotta love scrog I can't see growing any other way. Just got done getting my net up as well.
i missed the "not pretty" part
Lol. Yeah, it just got overgrown. I'm in there daily tucking leaves which makes the plants look a bit droopy. I'm sure they'll finish well, but I need to run less plants next round.
great looking plants man. buds look beautiful. Gotta love scrog I can't see growing any other way. Just got done getting my net up as well.
Same here. So much more yield, much better use of light, larger rock hard buds, and very little fluffy scraggely shit at the end if done correctly.
Can't beat it man.

Here we are on day 70. There's only 2 plants that I plan on harvesting on day 80. I'll push the rest to 90 days. This time they'll make it I'm sure. The overgrown scrog delayed flowering for a while as they all competed for light. They all look great, but will definitely need some time to put on weight.

Here's some Bud Shots.

I remember seeing alot more colas did you downsize? Looks roomy actually. And very good!! Can wait for this smoke report and the weight :cool: