2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow


Well-Known Member
Looks ready to me for a tent that size
im not flowering them in that tent... im going to veg them to a respectable size then move them into the 2200 watt flower room =)

thanks for cruisin by hr... where did you go hunting?? bag anything??


Well-Known Member
man what could i do to get ya to part with some backstrap??? ok ok ok ill settle for some ribs n burgers...lol

im glad ya had fun, id love to get out hunting again its been years since i shot more than a squirrel... but it reminds me of goin up to the sierras with my pops as a kid (he was a bow hunter though) adn gallavanting around the woods i came upon a few small grows out there, alway left them be though was always too scared to get caught stealing my pops woulda whooped my asssssss!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks bro what up wheels?? seen u around a few times bro.. i like ur avatar u draw it?? looks like it with the light there and ur pretty good at shading too man.... ht me up sometime man u in cali with a rec??

wow someone liked that post and it just took me waaay back...lol not even a year an things have changed OOOOO soooooo much


Well-Known Member
thanks bro what up wheels?? seen u around a few times bro.. i like ur avatar u draw it?? looks like it with the light there and ur pretty good at shading too man.... ht me up sometime man u in cali with a rec??

wow someone liked that post and it just took me waaay back...lol not even a year an things have changed OOOOO soooooo much
yeah man ive been popping in here and there. yeah i drew it. we had to choose three objects to draw. i was going to draw my bong my grinder and my lighter but figured my teacher wouldnt dig it. so i drew my subcompact that i carry daily, my bic and my grinder. yeah man im way down south tho. google "the most southwestern city in the u.s." and ull see. lol. i dig the light rail. it gives me such even growth that im kinda amazed by it actually. have u pulled good yields with the rail compared to stationary lights?


Well-Known Member
it does mak the growth really even i have noticed that too, everything stays around the same height insteadt of blocking eachother out


Well-Known Member
iv been debatin tearing the whole room apart and rebuilding two individual 4x4 600w scrogs, then also a 5x7 scrog on the mover, and maybe a small perpetual 2x400 watts setup normal to veg/ supply inbetween runs. i think id be a reall busy guy that way.


Well-Known Member
iv been debatin tearing the whole room apart and rebuilding two individual 4x4 600w scrogs, then also a 5x7 scrog on the mover, and maybe a small perpetual 2x400 watts setup normal to veg/ supply inbetween runs. i think id be a reall busy guy that way.
u would be. my goal is 2 1000s in a room on 6 ft light movers. for flower. plus a nice veg setup somewhere else in my casa. but 2 4x8 ft scrogs under a couple of thousands would be awesome. :) also considering a smaller setup. maybe 5-6 400 watt 2x4 boxes or tents with scrogs in them. but that is dependent on my yield with the current 2x4 box with the 2x3ft scrog in it. if the yield to cost ratio is awesome than its a possibility in the near future.


Well-Known Member
ya its gettin there im handling shit lol. did mess up plans for grow upgrades tho.... i figure "ay, least your growin at all!" then im all "yeah, true dat" then I'm like "ay, lets get some beers bro" so I'm like "hells yeah foo!"


Well-Known Member
ya its gettin there im handling shit lol. did mess up plans for grow upgrades tho.... i figure "ay, least your growin at all!" then im all "yeah, true dat" then I'm like "ay, lets get some beers bro" so I'm like "hells yeah foo!"
Take care of business and then get back to the grow game! Where are all the updates?


Well-Known Member
my internet ahas been down at home guys sorry about hte lack of updates. i have a bunch of pictures to post up, and i have h bunch of lil roots popped out on my areo cloner too..ill try to get somewhere tonight to do a proper update. i sorta got tripped up and fell into some pussy all weekend and i really need to check on the girls in flower i havnt done anything or even looked in on them in close to 4 days im sure theyll need some water

whats up norcal... u didnt crash ur bike did you??


Active Member
my internet ahas been down at home guys sorry about hte lack of updates. i have a bunch of pictures to post up, and i have h bunch of lil roots popped out on my areo cloner too..ill try to get somewhere tonight to do a proper update. i sorta got tripped up and fell into some pussy all weekend and i really need to check on the girls in flower i havnt done anything or even looked in on them in close to 4 days im sure theyll need some water

whats up norcal... u didnt crash ur bike did you??

Haha don't u hate it when u jus fall into some pussy Haha cracked me up bro. Lol


Well-Known Member
nah bro im up. did the cycle safty course n all DMV shit so i got mi M1 licence now. had my permit for like 2hrs lol. jus been riding alot honing skills and whatnot..


Well-Known Member
WHATS UP GUYS I STILL HAVE NO INTERNET AT MY HOUSE, BUT I HAVE MY LAPTOP AND CAMERA IN MY CAR so im thinkin of were i can go to get wifi and burn after work do a update, i need to go get some dirt too just a smalll bag to fill my clone/cups up...