View attachment 2641820 Reagan and Bush were the crusaders of the deficit. Clinton made adjustments which were undone by the next Bush and Obama inherited a deficit that was fiscally uncontrollable.
The problem with Americans is they think they are well to do when they are included in the bottom
View attachment 2641820 Reagan and Bush were the crusaders of the deficit. Clinton made adjustments which were undone by the next Bush and Obama inherited a deficit that was fiscally uncontrollable.
If you want to create wealth and spread it around the people need to create their own system of exchange, that cannot be devalued by the banks.
Yeha Bitcoins are working out Greaattt!
so, clinton created surpluses by the sheer force of his will, and all the mean old republicans banded together to undo his glorious works...
it was all smoke and mirrors, a PROJECTED surplus that wouldnt appear for ten years after he left office, and would only appear if the the congress kept to his 12 year budget religiously AND:
1 ) the tech bubble never burst, so companies like pets dot com could continue racking up profits, and paying our dividends despite making nothing, owning nothing, investing in nothing, and employing nobody.
2 ) the people meekly submitted to confiscatory taxation and wasteful spending, while simultaneously accepting the expansion of the Mandarin Class of government bureaucrats
3 ) no new programs, no new problems, no natural disasters, and no other nations competing with us
4 ) osama bin laden learned his lesson form a few missile strikes on some mud huts and camel tents, and never again troubled the world with his craziness.
5 ) the UN steps in to pick up the slack when our military stops playing word police.
6 ) the congress discovers a previously unknown spirit of fiscal restraint
if even one of the above conditions failed to materialize, the "surplus" would vanish like a fart in the wind.
how can i say the surpluses werent real? if you have a surplus of revenue (like say finding $100 bucks in your tuxedo pants) you can either spend it to pay off outstanding debts, save it or blow it on frivolities
the "found money" of the tech bubble wasnt saved, it wast spent on debts, but a lot of useless bullshit was purchased to increase the popularity of clinton and his congressional friends on both sides of the aisle. the national debt didnt even noticeably slow it's growth during the clinton years. if he had created surpluses the debt would have been reduced, it would not have continued to climb.
if you find free money and blow it on bullshit, you didnt create anything.
You'd have a point if you didn't trespass on others land. Here's a word of warning, you just do it on not on mine. I cannot be held responsible for your loss of property on mine. My lawyer told me. Sorry it's a legal thing, nothing personal.
Your memory of Clinton is a bit rosy. He had ZERO interest in taking any of the steps that were ultimately successful. He went down kicking and screaming. You can thank Newt Gingrich for having the balls to FORCE Clinton to act responsibly. Anyone who says different is a fucking liar.
I was talking silver and gold.
Had you waited you could've made like 10 times more, instead you lost money.Futures is not real gold
And gold and silver in hand also involves transaction fees.
Trust me I am a veteran, Got into silver right after it went into the shitter after the Hunt brothers fiasco. I figured it was a no brainer it couldnt go any lower than 4.50 an ounce. I had a shit load of tubes each with a 50 englehardt 1 ounce coins in them. Sold them all for a loss after factoring in transaction fees. I guess i could of held on to them for 30 years and made some real cash, But after factoring in inflation and living expenses I was better off getting out while the getting was good
Bush did create the biggest government entity in the United States Homeland Security. Also two wars
You seen my other posts and know my stances on the amendments. I have warning signs to CYA, Mr. GUERRILLA CULTIVATOR.
Yeha Bitcoins are working out Greaattt!
View attachment 2641820 Reagan and Bush were the crusaders of the deficit. Clinton made adjustments which were undone by the next Bush and Obama inherited a deficit that was fiscally uncontrollable.
Apparently there are a few people who disagree with point #22 and actually believe that prices have gone down for most things since they have adjusted for inflation. Because there is no inflation, that's whey they have to adjust for it.
For someone who purchased 1000 bitcoins 4 years ago, I didn't sell at the top, but about 75% from the top.
Made a huge bundle.
Bitcoins were one of my top investments of all time.
My brother worked 90 hour weeks since he was 19 at a gold mine in cripple creek colorado, he worked his ass off all while raising 3 kids and staying active in their lives as a father. After 5 years he had enough money to buy an ATM machine, 2 years later he owned 3 redbox machines and as of right now he's opening up a gas station. The only limit to your success in America is your own dreams and your resilience to hardships. I'm not trying to be a motivational speaker but don't let doubt stop you from trying to accomplish your goals and when you get to the top you'll laugh at people for saying you never had to work for your money. Just my .02I have worked my whole life and I have never gotten a handout. Some tax credits for college, but other than that I have worked hard. I know personally no matter how hard I work I will never be "rich" but I could lie to myself like everyone else. Someday. Strive for that.