22 days flowering (pics & questions)

18.23 oz is my guess. What do I win if I'm the closest??

I hope the $100 is a typo, or you got yourself a platinum scope or something. The little handheld scopes are about $10 at Radioshack.

Oh, and jeezUS those girls look great for 23 days! Great job! Pretty sure you have a few more weeks ahead of you though. If they look that good now, imagine them at 50 days.
I was not talking about a scope , I was talking about a carbon filter for smell, no a scope is 10 bucks at radioshack I know

I hope the $100 is a typo, or you got yourself a platinum scope or something. The little handheld scopes are about $10 at Radioshack.[/quote]
Lol, got it. I picked up my carbon scrubber on ebay as well. It's the largest Foothill Filter, and it works amazingly well. Jeez, I should goto bed before my brain implodes.
18.23 oz is my guess. What do I win if I'm the closest??

Oh, and jeezUS those girls look great for 23 days! Great job! Pretty sure you have a few more weeks ahead of you though. If they look that good now, imagine them at 50 days.
Anything above 16oz I will be happy so if you are the closest well I will owe you some good compliments in the near futur at a time when it is most needed (we all have this moment at one time or another):clap:

As for flowering 50 days I'm not sure they will let me go that long ! the strain is called M39 (from clone to harvest in 39 days +/- but I am already at 44 days total)... The famous haircut probably set them back a little !
whats up brother dosen't look like the stripping of the fans hurt them may have slowed them down but they look real healthy thats funny you only want a pound....lol...looks like your first grow is going great! sure you'll get more than a pound just my 2 cents grow on brother:) . dude if thats a 40 day strain send some my way!!! lol anyway my stuff likes to go almost 9 weeks or 60 days but as stated before I let my stuff go a bit longer than anyone else I know...but no help on 40 day flowering strans I'm just growing some good ole american hybrids great smoke but not engeneered to grow that fast dam'n I wouldn't know what to do with it all if I could cut 20 days off each crop!!
Thanks again for all the ++++

Tomorrow will be day 25 flowering and I will feed them so I will take some good pics of complet plants !