21 females dying a horrible death

[email protected]

Active Member
ths past saturday i leached 21 females that are in the third week of flowering. I grow hydro- I checked the temp, ph of the water before and after adding clerax. Followed usual procedure and never had this problem before. leaves are dying and falling off and you can see it progessing futher up plants each day. I put five females that are not in the tubes in a closet when I started saturday morning, just so Id have more room. Anyway... things got hetic and I forgot to get them out of the closet. I went to get some lights out yesterday for some bb ang bg, and found those precious lil darlings id left in there. All five plants had waaayyy more buds when i found them yesterday afternoon. they,d been in total darkness since saturday morning. Any help would be appreciated.

[email protected]

Active Member
The ones that were in the closet are fine, they had like 3 times more bids than when they were put in the closet the 21 in the hydro pipes are the ones that are dying. It had to be that clerax. The five that got put in the closet look great, they were not leached.

[email protected]

Active Member
Thanks 311, you know how it is, they were so fine and now.... Im sick....whatever it is..... you can see it advancing up the plants and doing more damage daily. As I stated, the five that got stuck in the closet look great, they are the five that were not leached with clerax. I read in in of videomans post where he had problems after leaching on one of his grows.


Well-Known Member
Hey bd1975, allow me to eplain, my mistake was I mixed hot and cold waters to leach or flush my soil grow. The hot water pipes carried in additional metals which attacked some of my babies. I'm not sure your problem and mine were actually connected. Its late tonight, and I'm kinda toasted tonight, hit me in the am if yoiu need additional info.

Thanks 311, you know how it is, they were so fine and now.... Im sick....whatever it is..... you can see it advancing up the plants and doing more damage daily. As I stated, the five that got stuck in the closet look great, they are the five that were not leached with clerax. I read in in of videomans post where he had problems after leaching on one of his grows.