21 Dollar Grow Room


Active Member
Ok long story short.Anxiety and deep depression,lose of job,start taking medicine,medicine not working,try marijuana.OMG I fell normal again.So no job means no money which means no marijuana and no money for a grow room.Started thinking about the cheapest grow room I could build and I think I have done it.All I purchased where the cfl bulbs and the potting soil.Every thing else was givin to me bye friends or local buisnesses or found.I know it's not the best but it was practically free.



Active Member
i spent £18 on one cfl tube and fitting, yo've done pretty damned good man :D that's an achievement on it's own.

i completely hear you on the weed for depression thing, i have suffered depression since before i recall, nothing went right, after some major things i went to the doc at age 18 and started on some pills, they were a load of crap, all of em, so the last lot i had, i downed the box with a bottl of beer for shits and giggles, then gave em up, friend came over with some grade and introduced me to some "people" at his house, let's just say the following week i virtually stopped drinking, was a genuine human being from dusk till dawn for the whole, i got out, found a new job which i've kept for a couple of years now, i'm technically a manager, just without the paycheck, but life is good

anti-dedpressants are crap, booze works but leaves you f****** up your job and life, weed kicks ass, i can sobre up like that, jump out of bed for work.

good luck with getting a new job and especially with the grow :)


Well-Known Member
You did a damn good job there all things considered, best of luck to you & what strain is that?


Well-Known Member
I've got the same deal for the most part with the depression/anxiety stuff. Not disabling, but not too desirable either. Years ago, when weed was more available to me, there were times when I would feel great and other times not so much
Years later, figured out it was strain related, some strains helped a lot, some others not much, others were bad and made things worse.
St. Johns Wort is a help, but it doesn't help so much with mood. So I've finally able to start a new hobby of green medicine growing. If you have found any real good strains that help, I'd appreciate any info.


Active Member
i hear you on that! i'm looking for sativa's right now, as whlie i LOVE the cough, or rather beanbag, mong that comes from the indica's (i asume this is what i get as they're pikey dealers wanting short grow times), as while it's pretty much as good as it get's when you get bakc from a hard days work, it does send you off into your thoughts.

is yours a legal medi grow? or just because you need it? i find it sick that something so trivial, and to be honest, good for the comunity if done right, is so ilegal even if for proven medical use, if it's in my own house, and i know it works for us (on an issue that is nothing but mind babble anyways as far as facts on it can go), we should be able to damned well do it.


Well-Known Member
legal in my mind, not so much in my state of residence. though times may change on that, rumor on the wind that NY state may go MM legal.
however, for my moderate conditions, legal isn't going to happen for a while
i'll keep the cough in mind, god the number of strains is mind boggling
thnx for the info, +rep is mighty cheap for that kind of useful info


damn nice setup so far but your gonna need more light. anyway plus rep

fat sam

Well-Known Member
regardless of what strain you grow there are a few tricks you can use to get what your after, if you pick the nugs when the trichs are cloudy it gives a little bit more of an up high also look for strains that are described as having an up or cerebral high, lots of hybrids will cary the sativa high traits and still have some decent flower times