Not yet sad thing is this run, first in the room, is probably gonna be a loss by the end. I found the limitations of my electrical so lights are only capable of 40%. Doubt ac will fly right now things are good but not by june. Im gonna gut the room and have an electrician come in. Square 1 hopefully back up for fall
Ouch! Hmmm… Any chance you remove your scrog nets and bunch them all under (1) light at full capacity? Those aren’t your average Joe lights. I’ve done as many as (9) b4 in my 5x5, but that was a lesson in what not to do once they went jungle on me! Lol :D … but in a pinch, one does what one needs to do to not lose your ladies. They look so dang sweet too!:wall:
God dang poco thats a dam good idea hmmmm
You might be my savior in this. Thanks still not sure how I didn’t think of that. Might be a bit crowded but wow man thats a great idea. Lights on at 630 so expect pics:clap:
I know @Poco56 lol. If i can remember who told me this Is cheaper its on
@bam0813 I’m not sure I get that… indoors is cheaper than outdoors? You got quite the setup, I’m really envious of that setup ’cept what it must have cost to put it together and run it monthly. I get the heat concerns after June though. It’s why I flipped on March 15th this year. Smaller yield than I’m used too, but no heat stress issues to deal with this year either. I’m in a cellar too.
Ya its just a joke about people who think growing anything is a cheaper alternative to buying. Obviously it can be but not if you have an addictive personality lol
Its not costing that much extra right now keep in mind lights at 40% no ac ect and my town supplies its own power at great rates
Ya I mean not really poco. I got close to 5 in it but we need a zip a week and im pretty generous on the weekends with everyone lol. So even at the 100 or so I heard the street gets now, its one yr
Ya I mean not really poco. I got close to 5 in it but we need a zip a week and im pretty generous on the weekends with everyone lol. So even at the 100 or so I heard the street gets now, its one yr
@bam0813 A week?? :D… “So let it be written, so let it be done”! The ”street” is quality dependent, 100 is a freakish bargain for something top shelf in this neighborhood. (Move over Mr. Rodgers!)… Btw, I’m free this weekend! Dang, never mind its Mothers Day weekend! Lol :) Mucho respect to you and your grow methods, I wish you nutt’n but success with your end result.:cool:
Thanks man ya I really don’t know what it is but I heard around 120-150 and i doubt its topshelf
btw sorry for delayed response I was trying out your idea lol
Still adding hairs, no cares. 14 hours of daylight and no reveg. These Waziri repros are freaks. Might have to start stuffing them in a closet a few hours a day to force them to finish.


Tirah repro has interesting citrusy smell but not much resin yet. Guessing two weeks behind the Waziri, at least.

So… looks like it’s show and tell around here lately. I’m at 7 weeks, 2 days now. Each sister for 6 ladies total.

1-2 Holy Grail (DNA Genetic)
3-4 Diesel (NASB Freebies)
5-6 Mimosa/Orange Punch (Barney’s Farm)

So the clone from the fim plant took a week to show her sex, now theres at least one mother for some outdoor clones. Both 200W led’s won’t shut off completely, going to have to go with a bunch of 135W blurples. Someday i’ll get organized better:roll: