20ft SEA Container conversion

There was a guy on youtube that built a hatch somewhere on his sea container that is hinged on top, and lifts overhead with 2 gas struts (like an SUV hatch) so it dang near goes up all by itself. Can't remember if he cut a new spot and re-used the panel, or welded the 2 end doors together and did it on the end. Looking for the video now..
Clean, frame out, add conduit for wiring (add extra) , make any exterior holes needed, get duct work in place going through the walls and then spray foam. That's how I'd approach it.
If you do use spray foam be sure to use closed cell spray foam. Spray foam is pricey, another option is foam board. Your location will determine your R-value for your climate.
I’d love a project like that if I had the space.
There was a guy on youtube that built a hatch somewhere on his sea container that is hinged on top, and lifts overhead with 2 gas struts (like an SUV hatch) so it dang near goes up all by itself. Can't remember if he cut a new spot and re-used the panel, or welded the 2 end doors together and did it on the end. Looking for the video now..

sounds like a great idea but not sure i need that
Any updates on the container build ??
its onsite i just need to finish welding up its windows before i start cladding
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