
That is a big reason I like Biden, he is one of the only politicians to wait until they were out of office and didn't have any power to trade on to make his money.

View attachment 5371538
I like Biden,wasn't big on him when I was younger,but I find him sincere and empathetic and human,wish he was a decade younger and wish he ran in 2016,might have been a whole diff. narrative today.
Watching Nancy P as Speaker vs. McCarthy/Johnson is like a NASCAR driver vs. someone blasting around in go-carts at a family owned track off the highway.Say what you will but that lady KNOWS how to conduct business and work the room for consensus,and if she sat down w/Putin/Xi she has way to much moxy to be swayed by being buttered up w/compliments. Tell the Orange man his hair looks great and he is looking svelte and diaper and he's like shooting fish in a barrel,STRONG............as a wet noodle.
Generally speaking, politicians are motivated by getting money and keeping power. With this in mind, it is my strategy to suss out good character by listening to and watching the actual candidates - not selected clips from wherever, which are parsed before being presented by a pundit who tells me what they think. Speeches are useful for this, but interviews are better.

Then I vote for the person with the most ideal character.

Since 2008, that set of vote recipients has been very lopsided in partisanship. Guess on which side I found better character overall. (I won't insult intelligence by asking about the presidency.)
Generally speaking, politicians are motivated by getting money and keeping power. With this in mind, it is my strategy to suss out good character by listening to and watching the actual candidates - not selected clips from wherever, which are parsed before being presented by a pundit who tells me what they think. Speeches are useful for this, but interviews are better.

Then I vote for the person with the most ideal character.

Since 2008, that set of vote recipients has been very lopsided in partisanship. Guess on which side I found better character overall. (I won't insult intelligence by asking about the presidency.)
One thing that has soundly impressed me is how, when presented with necessity, the legislators of one party pulled together and held the line against the wilder subversive bills of the other.
Michelle Obama Favorite To Replace Joe Biden if He Drops Out
View attachment 5371961
Joe could run again with Michelle as his VP. Then right after he is sworn in he could resign and let Michelle take over, put Barak back in the White House....

Don and Joe end up working together as a badass team, side by side as both the president and vice president, uniting Americans back together even better again, for the greater good of the country. Flip a coin (or a golf\bicycling challenge) to see who gets to be pres or vice pres first, and take turns each year. With their powers combined..


Don and Joe end up working together as a badass team, side by side as both the president and vice president, uniting Americans back together even better again, for the greater good of the country. Flip a coin (or a golf\bicycling challenge) to see who gets to be pres or vice pres first, and take turns each year. With their powers combined..

why yoke the President with a criminal and pathological liar who signaled his intent to end the rule of law?


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Like her, or not.

Pelosi will be 84, March 26th, and shes smarter, and got more done, than all of them. Shes like a Female, Tip O'Neil.

She would have made on hell of a president.

If Michelle Obama was running. The Rs,, wouldnt have a chance. Shes got a high approval liking, by a vast majority, of the American people. Shes no pushover either. I guarantee, she takes no shit, from anyone. Husband included.
The Left has created new rules for national politics. Here are 20 some precedents they now have established for America in the future:
  1. When in control of the Senate, demand the end of the filibuster; when not, don’t.
  2. Call for the end of the Electoral College–but only if it appears to recently favor the candidate of the opposition.
  3. In an election year, change any state balloting laws deemed unhelpful through administrative fiat or court order to favor your political candidate.
  4. Seek to flip electors from voting in accordance with the popular vote count in their states; indict as an insurrectionist any of the opposition who dare do the same.
  5. Raid the home of any opposition ex-president who removed classified files; exempt any sitting president of your party who did the same.
  6. Swarm the private homes of, and then bully and intimidate any, Supreme Court officials, politicians, or citizens you oppose.
  7. Appoint two special counsels: one to go after the current chief presidential opponent in an election year; the other to exempt and excuse the sitting president for the very crimes charged against his rival.
  8. Lobby to remove any oppositional president through the 25th Amendment; smear any one as ageist who suggests a cognitively challenged sitting resident of your party should be subject to similar invocations of the 25th Amendment.
  9. Exempt thousands of arrested rioters from charges of 120 days of arson, looting, injuring 1,500 law enforcement officers, and assault—but only if they are radical supporters of your party.
  10. Excuse any demonstrator or rioter for desecrating public monuments and cemeteries or shutting down bridges and freeways, or swarming and disrupting the Capitol Rotunda—but only if they agree with you and/or are pro-Hamas. Otherwise, ensure the charged face lengthy prison sentences.
  11. Try to pack the Supreme Court—but only if justices you don’t like are in a majority.
  12. Seek in an election year to remove a presidential opponent off state ballots for crimes for which he has never been charged, much less convicted of.
  13. First target a presidential opponent, and then change, warp, or redefine laws to convict him. Weaponized prosecutors should always indict their political opponents in jurisdictions where they are guaranteed like-minded justices and jury pools.
  14. Violate the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution (the prohibition of “excessive fines”) by having sympathetic judges level multimillion-dollar fines to bankrupt the opposition candidate during a presidential campaign. The more there is no victim of a crime, the higher fines should be leveled for “damages”.
  15. Open the border by destroying all the protocols and executive orders of a predecessor president. Then welcome 8-million illegal aliens to “surge” into America on the premise a new constituency might support agendas that American citizens do not. Then call the nonexistent border “secure,” while blaming a predecessor president for having left it secure.
  16. Have local prosecutors invent criminal acts of an opposition national presidential candidate in efforts to make it impossible for him to campaign for the presidency.
  17. Use the FBI to hire out social media auditors to censor any news deemed problematic for the correct presidential candidate.
  18. Hire a foreign national to concoct a smear dossier about one’s opposition political nominee. Ensure the FBI also uses and pays the foreign national to spread untruths among the media and administrative state.
  19. On the eve of any major national or midterm election, ensure a president drains the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gasoline prices.
  20. On the eve of any major national or midterm election, ensure a president promises to cancel billions of dollars in contracted federal student loans
The Left has created new rules for national politics. Here are 20 some precedents they now have established for America in the future:
  1. When in control of the Senate, demand the end of the filibuster; when not, don’t.
  2. Call for the end of the Electoral College–but only if it appears to recently favor the candidate of the opposition.
  3. In an election year, change any state balloting laws deemed unhelpful through administrative fiat or court order to favor your political candidate.
  4. Seek to flip electors from voting in accordance with the popular vote count in their states; indict as an insurrectionist any of the opposition who dare do the same.
  5. Raid the home of any opposition ex-president who removed classified files; exempt any sitting president of your party who did the same.
  6. Swarm the private homes of, and then bully and intimidate any, Supreme Court officials, politicians, or citizens you oppose.
  7. Appoint two special counsels: one to go after the current chief presidential opponent in an election year; the other to exempt and excuse the sitting president for the very crimes charged against his rival.
  8. Lobby to remove any oppositional president through the 25th Amendment; smear any one as ageist who suggests a cognitively challenged sitting resident of your party should be subject to similar invocations of the 25th Amendment.
  9. Exempt thousands of arrested rioters from charges of 120 days of arson, looting, injuring 1,500 law enforcement officers, and assault—but only if they are radical supporters of your party.
  10. Excuse any demonstrator or rioter for desecrating public monuments and cemeteries or shutting down bridges and freeways, or swarming and disrupting the Capitol Rotunda—but only if they agree with you and/or are pro-Hamas. Otherwise, ensure the charged face lengthy prison sentences.
  11. Try to pack the Supreme Court—but only if justices you don’t like are in a majority.
  12. Seek in an election year to remove a presidential opponent off state ballots for crimes for which he has never been charged, much less convicted of.
  13. First target a presidential opponent, and then change, warp, or redefine laws to convict him. Weaponized prosecutors should always indict their political opponents in jurisdictions where they are guaranteed like-minded justices and jury pools.
  14. Violate the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution (the prohibition of “excessive fines”) by having sympathetic judges level multimillion-dollar fines to bankrupt the opposition candidate during a presidential campaign. The more there is no victim of a crime, the higher fines should be leveled for “damages”.
  15. Open the border by destroying all the protocols and executive orders of a predecessor president. Then welcome 8-million illegal aliens to “surge” into America on the premise a new constituency might support agendas that American citizens do not. Then call the nonexistent border “secure,” while blaming a predecessor president for having left it secure.
  16. Have local prosecutors invent criminal acts of an opposition national presidential candidate in efforts to make it impossible for him to campaign for the presidency.
  17. Use the FBI to hire out social media auditors to censor any news deemed problematic for the correct presidential candidate.
  18. Hire a foreign national to concoct a smear dossier about one’s opposition political nominee. Ensure the FBI also uses and pays the foreign national to spread untruths among the media and administrative state.
  19. On the eve of any major national or midterm election, ensure a president drains the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gasoline prices.
  20. On the eve of any major national or midterm election, ensure a president promises to cancel billions of dollars in contracted federal student loans

so you just go out and copy/paste stuff to what? Create real dialog on a weed site?

deep bro. Welcome to RIU.

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From Xitter, run by another fascist:
Behold Victor Davis Hanson in his proud promotion of bald-faced dishonesty.

Note: instead of listing his grievances with the presidency of Joe Biden, he plays Ultimate Whatabout in a baseless smear built entirely of known lies. Emphasis at end mine.

What Are “They” Afraid That a "Dictator”/President Trump Might Do?

As Joe Biden’s political viability implodes, the exasperated Left has yet a new narrative: front-runner Trump and his extremist/semi-fascist/Ultra MAGA 160 million are out for “revenge” and “retribution—and that Trump might well become a “dictator” and “trample” the Constitution. Ok, let’s examine what a supposed dictator Trump might do if he were to be elected this November?

1) Will he hide the fact that in 2024 he attempted to hire a foreign ex-spy to work with Russian sources to create a fake anti-Biden dossier (while sneakily hiding his payments behind three paywalls), seed it with the media, and hatch lies that Biden was a “Putin poodle” and “Russian asset”?

2) Would a Trump president weaponize a vengeful FBI to begin contracting with X and Facebook to suppress stories he feels will hurt MAGA candidates? Would his FBI alter FISA warrants to go after his leftwing opponents? Would he and his FBI henchmen have leftwing newspapers blacklisted from X?

3) Would Trump’s future Secretary of State round up 51 right-wing ex-CIA “authorities” to swear and lie on the eve of the balloting that the Russians created the Stormy Daniels nondisclosure agreement?

4) Maybe Trump will get his DOJ to go easy on any future accusations of tax fraud on behalf of his sons by weaponizing the IRS.

5) Maybe Trump will dictatorially cancel student loan debt on the eve of the 2026 midterms. Or would he dare by fiat drain the strategic petroleum reserve merely for Republican advantage in the midterms?

6) Maybe a dictator Trump might appoint a special counsel to investigate the entire Biden family. Would his legal counsel consult with local and state Republican prosecutors to coordinate 90 or so more indictments against ex-president Joe Biden? Will he order the FBI to sweep down on one of the Biden residences to hunt for more missing classified files that Biden removed as a senator and vice president?

7) Will he postfacto declare the 2020 riots to be an armed “insurrection” and retroactively start trying, convicting, and jailing the some 14,000 who were arrested and released—on charges of rioting, looting, arson, murder, and assault, in addition to “illegal parading” and conspiracy to burn a federal courthouse, a city police precinct, a historic church? Would dictator Trump keep in preventative detention indefinitely those arrested in 2020 for rioting and violent protest?

8) Maybe dictator Trump will refuse to discuss all medical questions concerning his 78-year age.

9) Will Trump minions in the media and military start talking about rooting out “leftwing rage”, or Antifa and BLM “domestic terrorists” from the military ranks? Would Trump order the Pentagon to discharge any soldier who refused to get one of his Operation Warp Speed COVID mRNA boosters?

10) Will dictator Trump protect some 500 “sanctuary cities” from ignoring federal laws—as they nullify the endangered species list or federal gun registrations statutes?

11) Would dictator Trump’s America destroy the southern border deliberately and invite in 10 million illegal aliens from countries he thought would ensure new conservative voters?

12 ) Would dictator Trump's America start seeing red-states removing the names of Democratic candidates from the ballot?

13) Would dictator Trump start jailing ex-Biden officials who refused Republican congressional subpoenas?

14) Would dictator Trump’s America turn over $50 billion in weapons and supplies to terrorists like the Taliban?

15) Would dictator Trump’s America see an epidemic of big-city lawlessness, as conservative prosecutors deliberately let out felons convicted of smash and grab and car-jacking, and exempted theft and shoplifting from punishment?

16) Would dictator Trump start shaking down foreign governments to send $30 million into the Trump family coffers?

17) Would dictator Trump camp out at Mar-a-Lago for 3-4 days a week, and turn the presidency into a pastime job?

So what exactly would a “dictator” Trump do that our "civil libertarian” Joe Biden already has not done?

What separates Hanson from the majority of commentators is less his assessment of Trump’s personality than his analysis of the American situation before Trump’s election. For Hanson, the United States in 2016 was locked into an accelerating decline that only desperate measures could reverse.

sounds to me like he is carefully concealing his deepest motive: race-based terror. The “great replacement”.

It’s a shame to see a respected intellectual put down the empty pitcher of Krool-Aid and wipe his mouth.
The Left has created new rules for national politics. Here are 20 some precedents they now have established for America in the future:
  1. When in control of the Senate, demand the end of the filibuster; when not, don’t.
  2. Call for the end of the Electoral College–but only if it appears to recently favor the candidate of the opposition.
  3. In an election year, change any state balloting laws deemed unhelpful through administrative fiat or court order to favor your political candidate.
  4. Seek to flip electors from voting in accordance with the popular vote count in their states; indict as an insurrectionist any of the opposition who dare do the same.
  5. Raid the home of any opposition ex-president who removed classified files; exempt any sitting president of your party who did the same.
  6. Swarm the private homes of, and then bully and intimidate any, Supreme Court officials, politicians, or citizens you oppose.
  7. Appoint two special counsels: one to go after the current chief presidential opponent in an election year; the other to exempt and excuse the sitting president for the very crimes charged against his rival.
  8. Lobby to remove any oppositional president through the 25th Amendment; smear any one as ageist who suggests a cognitively challenged sitting resident of your party should be subject to similar invocations of the 25th Amendment.
  9. Exempt thousands of arrested rioters from charges of 120 days of arson, looting, injuring 1,500 law enforcement officers, and assault—but only if they are radical supporters of your party.
  10. Excuse any demonstrator or rioter for desecrating public monuments and cemeteries or shutting down bridges and freeways, or swarming and disrupting the Capitol Rotunda—but only if they agree with you and/or are pro-Hamas. Otherwise, ensure the charged face lengthy prison sentences.
  11. Try to pack the Supreme Court—but only if justices you don’t like are in a majority.
  12. Seek in an election year to remove a presidential opponent off state ballots for crimes for which he has never been charged, much less convicted of.
  13. First target a presidential opponent, and then change, warp, or redefine laws to convict him. Weaponized prosecutors should always indict their political opponents in jurisdictions where they are guaranteed like-minded justices and jury pools.
  14. Violate the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution (the prohibition of “excessive fines”) by having sympathetic judges level multimillion-dollar fines to bankrupt the opposition candidate during a presidential campaign. The more there is no victim of a crime, the higher fines should be leveled for “damages”.
  15. Open the border by destroying all the protocols and executive orders of a predecessor president. Then welcome 8-million illegal aliens to “surge” into America on the premise a new constituency might support agendas that American citizens do not. Then call the nonexistent border “secure,” while blaming a predecessor president for having left it secure.
  16. Have local prosecutors invent criminal acts of an opposition national presidential candidate in efforts to make it impossible for him to campaign for the presidency.
  17. Use the FBI to hire out social media auditors to censor any news deemed problematic for the correct presidential candidate.
  18. Hire a foreign national to concoct a smear dossier about one’s opposition political nominee. Ensure the FBI also uses and pays the foreign national to spread untruths among the media and administrative state.
  19. On the eve of any major national or midterm election, ensure a president drains the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gasoline prices.
  20. On the eve of any major national or midterm election, ensure a president promises to cancel billions of dollars in contracted federal student loans
Russia’s Staggering Success In Duping Willing Republicans And Right Wing Media
Calling Michelle Obama "Mike" is part of MAGA's weird culty assertion that in spite of giving birth two times, she is really transgender. That's just fucking weird.

I doubt that Michelle Obama really wants to be President but she may feel compelled to run if Biden cannot or does not. And she would protect democracy and majority rule if she had the job which is what we need more than anything else at this moment of American history.