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So tis the season. It's late spring and still getting cooler temps at night in the low 40s. Three weeks ago, I started two buckets with a special blend of soils. I filled both buckets half way with native dirt found close to a baseball field. It was tan and light brown in color and blended with small amounts of clay. I then added three 8 quart bags of different organic soils equally that I purchased from my local Walmart. My fourth 8 quart bag was worm castings I purchased at my local ace hardware. It was also evenly blended to both buckets. I then added a couple of handfuls of wood shavings I had sourced from a local unknown hardwood. I stirred it up evenly so it can help the soil stay moist in the summer heat. I then added 1.5 banana peels to both buckets about a foot deep and covered them. About a week later I went to the local pet store and got the dead feeder goldfish for really cheap. With the pet store aquarium water supplied in a bag of dead goldfish I added about ten ounces to each bucket to help with trace elements and the pH levels. I then added about ten 1 inch feeder fish to each bucket 1/2 to 2/3 of the way down. I also added about 5 red earthworms to each bucket. This should help decomposing process and keep the soil fully charged all summer long. I kept the buckets in my basement next to a heater to help speed up decomposing process. My next step is to buy a 8 quart bag of nitrogen r rich organic soil to top off the buckets with about two inches of soil after seedlings and/or clones are taking root. Bucket number one will be planted with one feminized auto flower green crack seed ordered off www.seedsman.com. the second bucket is going to get a hearty clone from a local grower. Possibly Bruce banner. If I don't go that route, I am purchasing another couple feminized auto flowers from the same website after researching my sativa dominant choices. This afternoon, I am going to my spot on private property and digging two holes to fit each bucket up to the top. The bucket handles will be on top of the ground and easily accessible in the event I have to quickly rip them up. This is habit from growing in Florida where security was an issue. The spot I chose is on the southern edge of a field in a heavy thicket. I'm still concerned about deer and other animals. So putting them in the middle of the thickness of the bushes will hopefully keep unwanted critters at bay. The weather is still chilly and rainy. Daily temps have been L/H of about 43/58 and most extreme 41/64. At this point I'm just waiting for warmer weather to plant. For now on, the rest of the summer, I will bag all my hair from my biweekly haircut. Once I bury my buckets and a week before I plant my seeds, I will take my bag of hair and sprinkle it on and around my buckets buried in the thicket to scare off all critters. Every time I visit my spot, I will also take a piss around my buckets and sprinkle more hair. I will not urinate directly on the plant. But the first second or two of pee stream will land in the buckets with remaining pee being sprayed around grow site. I will make sure no piss touches plants. Urine is sterile and another good source of trace elements. I will also add a handful of coffee grounds to surface dirt in each bucket this week. Pictures are of each bag of soil and worm castings I added evenly to each bucket. I will update later this week with my choice of clone or second feminized auto flower strain. Keep an eye out for my next update. As the summer moves forward expect weekly updates