2024 DIY Nutrients - Where are we at?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys... I'm recently learning about making your own mixes and about the best formula I think i've found is "Fatman's DIY Nutrient" just google it, but I'm wondering if things have come along since then, any of you using similar for commercial operations?
Seems like a lot of over complication to grow a plant.

There are many RTU ( ready to use ) fertilizers that are already mixed ( ratio ) .
Hi guys... I'm recently learning about making your own mixes and about the best formula I think i've found is "Fatman's DIY Nutrient" just google it, but I'm wondering if things have come along since then, any of you using similar for commercial operations?
I only use DIY nutrients when I grow in the ground. I use aged chicken litter, rough chopped fish, and some carbon such as leaves/sticks/corn stalks/sunflower stalks. I do use elemental sulfur I guess that I didn't mine myself so I suppose it's only partially diy. But I guess I'm using the sulfur more for pH than actually for a nutrient.
Yeah in the ground you drop water and forget
My whole garden is buckets of chicken manure and water cooking lol
But for weed... The only DIY in nutes that's worth anything is having your own worm farm and feeding them quality so that your casting are the highest grade containing any mineral there is.
Yeah in the ground you drop water and forget
My whole garden is buckets of chicken manure and water cooking lol
But for weed... The only DIY in nutes that's worth anything is having your own worm farm and feeding them quality so that your casting are the highest grade containing any mineral there is.
I do have an extreme amount of worms wiggling around. I'm sure that helps.