2023 solo cup contest..

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Your power plant ain't gonna help you here bud.
But, but!... that one plant has already quadrupled in size, just since commencing pyra power infusion stage 1. Growing directly towards the apex, and straight as an arrow..

Dang.. I'll take your word for it though... I'm probably just imagining the incredible growth rate that seems to be nothing short of a miracle... I have been on micro dose shrooms lately, so I can't beleive everything I see... I haven't even hooked up the lakovsky tesla coil circuits so I can amplify the stage 2 orgone crystals yet either, FFS. I'll just pull the plug..

EDIT: You just saved me 10 minutes worth of work that totally with outta doubtedly wouldn't revolutionize horticulture as we know it.. and most definitely have completely wasted my time. Thanks!

#$%#$! I better step up my game! Back to the drawing board again!
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